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Descriptive Writing - Paragraph and Essay Writing

Published on Friday, October 17, 2014
Today we’re going to look at two distinct, yet similar type of composition writing, namely paragraph and essays.

We start with Paragraph writing :

Paragraph Writing

A paragraph is just one paragraph, which is written such that, it explains one idea/concept in as much details as is logically possible in one paragraph.

Thus, the entire matter to be written, in the one paragraph, will be strictly directly related to the given topic.

Word limit may range between 200-300 words, which means, we do not have a lot of words to explain our topic; rightly so, it’s after all paragraph writing!

Thus, with so many constraints on the number of paras and words, we need to be precise and to the point. I hope you all remember the descriptive 101s; those will come handy here too.

What you can do is this

  1. Jot down your ideas in pencil, 
  2. Formulate quickly how you want to start your paragraph, and then how you’ll write the rest of the paragraph; what points to include and what not,
  3. Organize your ideas and then start writing,
  4. Include points which are absolutely necessary to explain your topic; secondary information can be left out, as you have to maintain word limit,
  5. Give an appropriate title to your paragraph,
  6. Even though it is just one paragraph, you can still write a concluding sentence in the paragraph; such that it ties up the entire topic nicely, and does not sound abrupt.
  7. The importance of correct grammar and spellings cannot be stressed enough, always revise and edit your work.

As for what to write in a paragraph or essay or any written composition for that matter, solely depends on your efforts to acquire as much knowledge as you can. In this area, there can never be any better teacher than you and yourself!

Moving on to the next topic: Essay writing

Essay writing

Essays are just more paragraphs!

All the basic points to remember as mentioned above under paragraphs are applicable here too (word limit, spellings, precision, grammar etc.)

However, in essay writing we have multiple paragraphs, each having its own unique feature and requirement. Lets us see…

Contents of an Essay 

1. An attractive/catchy heading.

2.Introduction paragraph:  this paragraph’s purpose is to briefly introduce the topic; it should be of 3-4 lines maximum, short and precise.

Please remember, first impression longs last! Hence it is very important to introduce a topic properly.

3. Body:
    (i) to contains all the main points, explanations, reasons, arguments,
    (ii) There can be multiple paragraphs here, but depending upon the overall word limit.
           In a 1000 word essay, the body can be divided into 2-3 paragraphs, in 1500 words,
           in 3-4 paragraphs.
    (iii) Each paragraph should deal with one major point, and they should be logically
           linked to the next paragraph and it’s main idea.
    (iv) Please remember, there should be a clear logical link between all the paragraphs.

4. Conclusion: is an important part of the essay, as it is here where you can give your personal view (expressing in short precise sentences how you think a situation can be improved).

Ideally, a conclusion along with expressing personal views should tie up the essay, giving it a wholesome and a complete look, something that will make the reader appreciate your thought process along with your writing skills,

In essays particularly one has ample scope to bring in original ideas to add to your writing, more originality more better impression on the reader.

Thus my advice again would be to broaden your knowledge base, read editorials and magazine articles, and you’ll definitely reap the rewards!

Till then, keep reading, keep learning and keep sharing the knowledge!

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Ramandeep Singh

Ramandeep Singh - Educator

I'm Ramandeep Singh, your guide to banking and insurance exams. With 14 years of experience and over 5000 successful selections, I understand the path to success firsthand, having transitioned from Dena Bank and SBI. I'm passionate about helping you achieve your banking and insurance dreams.

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