Letter writing is not a branch of literature or grammar or anything! It is just a very normal, very old and most widely used form of written communication.
Most of you and me included are the kids of the golden era…the 90’s – Doordarshan and Mowgli, Black and White T.V., no phones, or the dialing phones if we were the metro kids!
There is one thing, that our mothers and grandmothers feel very nostalgic about, that which has given way to e-mail and has lost it’s importance and has become extinct – the blue inland letter. Do you even have an old one at home?!
The point is – letter writing is an art, which even our grandmothers were an expert at! Then what are we, the 21st Century graduates, doing ‘learning’ letter writing!? Isn't that a little funny?
Blame it on the E-mail and SMS. These two have taken care of everything from our natural letter writing abilities to our doomed spellings!
So here we are, poor job searching souls, wringing our hands in despair, to write a letter.
No worries, I've got the dos and don’ts for you, and that should nudge you in the right direction when it comes to your letter writing exam.
I will be discussing the types in extreme brief. As in,
3. Address of the person to whom you’re writing.
Ex. Branch Manager
ABC Bank
New Delhi-22
4. Subject Brief reason of the letter (ex. Application for leave)
5. Salutation - Sir/Madam (Please remember)
6. Body of the letter
7. Subscription: Yours faithfully /Sincerely (are the only words to be used in formal letters)
(Please note it is yours and not you’re”)
8. Signature: Your name would be sufficient
Just one line.
Ex. Sector-B, Borivali, Mumbai.
2. Date Exam date
3. Salutation: Dear Mom/Dad/Sister/Brother
4. Body
6. Signature: Your first name. Not your full name
Yours lovingly
That is all on letter writing. Comments are welcome.
Most of you and me included are the kids of the golden era…the 90’s – Doordarshan and Mowgli, Black and White T.V., no phones, or the dialing phones if we were the metro kids!
There is one thing, that our mothers and grandmothers feel very nostalgic about, that which has given way to e-mail and has lost it’s importance and has become extinct – the blue inland letter. Do you even have an old one at home?!
The point is – letter writing is an art, which even our grandmothers were an expert at! Then what are we, the 21st Century graduates, doing ‘learning’ letter writing!? Isn't that a little funny?
Blame it on the E-mail and SMS. These two have taken care of everything from our natural letter writing abilities to our doomed spellings!
So here we are, poor job searching souls, wringing our hands in despair, to write a letter.
No worries, I've got the dos and don’ts for you, and that should nudge you in the right direction when it comes to your letter writing exam.
I will be discussing the types in extreme brief. As in,
Formal Letters: Like formal shirts and trouser are for office and any official purpose.
Informal Letter: Like casual clothes are for mums, dads, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles…and anybody who is not official!
Now, before I start on the rules, I want to issue a disclaimer; which is, you are free to use any format which you think is right for the letter. I’ll be suggesting a format which I prefer and that is all.
So the rules and the format, goes like this:

1. Address of the writer Informal Letter: Like casual clothes are for mums, dads, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles…and anybody who is not official!
Now, before I start on the rules, I want to issue a disclaimer; which is, you are free to use any format which you think is right for the letter. I’ll be suggesting a format which I prefer and that is all.
So the rules and the format, goes like this:

Formal Letter Writing Format
- Your address
- Do not write original address
- Try ABC and XYZ
3. Address of the person to whom you’re writing.
Ex. Branch Manager
ABC Bank
New Delhi-22
4. Subject Brief reason of the letter (ex. Application for leave)
5. Salutation - Sir/Madam (Please remember)
6. Body of the letter
- Short, precise paragraphs. Not too many paragraphs
- Avoid long sentences Think before writing
- Be creative and original Use simple floral language
- Take care of spellings and punctuation
- Good handwriting Be clear in you ideas and words
- Do not show aggressiveness Do not be rude. Be polite in requests.
- Do not end abruptly End with a proper conclusion
- Ideally it should be 3 paras Introduction of idea, explanation of problem, conclusion
7. Subscription: Yours faithfully /Sincerely (are the only words to be used in formal letters)
(Please note it is yours and not you’re”)
8. Signature: Your name would be sufficient
Informal Letter Writing Format
1. Address: Your address in briefJust one line.
Ex. Sector-B, Borivali, Mumbai.
2. Date Exam date
3. Salutation: Dear Mom/Dad/Sister/Brother
4. Body
- Again 3-4 paragraphs maximum but ideally 2-3
- Be polite Be creative and original
- Show emotion … ‘I really miss having our daily talks’
- But do not forget the main topic on which you are write the letter.
6. Signature: Your first name. Not your full name
Yours lovingly

That is all on letter writing. Comments are welcome.