Adjectives are words that describes or modify another person or thing in the sentence.
These adjective has suffix - ' ior '
These adjective are:
Degree of adjective
1. Positive: It is used to describe the quality of noun.

2. Comparative Degree : It is used when there is a comparison between two nouns or pronouns.

Superlative degree is used.Superlative degree is followed by ' the '.

2. Comparative Degree : It is used when there is a comparison between two nouns or pronouns.

3 Superlative Degree : When noun is shown as a superior out of a club or group, class etc.
Superlative degree is used.Superlative degree is followed by ' the '.

# Comparative Degree
Rule 1
1. There are some adjective which denotes absolute positions and of which comparative and superlative degrees remains the some.
Rule 2
Their are some adjective which uses 'to' rather than ' than' when used to compare.
These adjective are:
Rule 3
If two adjective are separated by ' and ' , then they must be in some degree.
Use of ' very , ' more ' , ' much '
Very : It is used with positive degree of adjective .
More: Used with comparative degree of two.
Much : It is used with comparative degree.
- He is good.
- He is very good.
- He is better than you.
- He is much better than you.
- He is comparatively
smarterthan you. [ Correct : Smart ]
Conversion of Superlative degree to Comparative degree
There are two methods to change superlative degree to comparative degree
- All + Other + Plural Noun
- Any + Other + Singular Noun
- He is better than all other
boyof the class. [Correct : boys ] [ Method 1 ] - He is better than any other boy of the class. [ Method 2 ]
- She was curious to know what it was that made him stronger and braver than any other man of his village. [ Method 2 ]
- The Ganga is the holiest of all
otherrivers of India.
Synthesis is done between two special type of sentences which have
[ It is done by using conjuction ' If / but ]
Example : She is more beautiful but not so altered as her younger sister.
Ordering of Adjectives
Size → shape → age → color → nationality → noun
Example → Black American 20 year old Nigro is his best friend.
Correct → 20 year Black American Negro is his best friend.
- he wanted certain
boyto make entry into the principal's chamber. [ Correct : boys ] certain → a) with ' certain ' noun used in plural form b) ' a ' is used with certain - These
sortof men attain worldly success by hook or by crook. [ Correct : sorts ]
' These ' and ' Those '
The noun following ' these ' and ' those ' should be in plural form.
- There were only two soldiers but each
and every soldierswas equal to 5 policemen. [ Correct : soldier , 'and each' never be used ] here each is used as adjective. - Inspite of facing
muchproblems he did not dessert the path of honesty. [ Correct : Many ]
' much ' and ' many '
much is used with uncountable nouns. many is used with countable nouns.
- Can you tell me how many eggs and how much milk he has brought home.
- whole the chapter of the book is full of printing mistake.
'All , Whole & Both '
' All ' and ' both ' are followed by definite article ' the '. ' whole ' is proceeded by the definite article ' the ' .
- Her long black hair adds glamour to her looks. [ size → color ( Order of Adjectives ) ]
- I saw an anxious pale girl . [ emotion → color ( Order of Adjective ]
- I saw a pale anxious girl.
- I t is a fact that mahatma Gandhi was the
1stpolitician of his time. [ Correct : famous ] - Delhi is farther from Patna than it is from kolkata.
- You can trust this agency for the
lastnews of this week. [ Correct : latest ] - He doesn't have
somemoney to buy a new car. [ Correct : any ]
' Some ' & ' Any '
' any ' is used with negative sentence and question- He felt
happilyto know that, his younger brother had got a prestigious job in the bank. [ Correct: happy ]