- Since April 2018 1612, cities have been declared as ODF thus total number stands 4124.
- Construction of almost 62 lakh individual households toilets and 5 lakh community and public toilet seats is already over or completing.
- Urban areas of 21 states/UTs have been declared ODF.
- The aim of the SBM which was launched on 2nd October 2014 is to achieve 100% ODF status and to achieve 100% solid waste management in all urban local bodies in the country.
- Google Maps initiative has been launched for the easy location of public toilets and gives feedback on the same. 835 cities have uploaded more than 33000 public toilets on it.
- ODF+ and ODF++ protocols have been launched with a focus on sustaining ODF outcomes and achieving sanitation. ODF+ focuses on O & M of community/public toilets by ensuring functionality and proper maintenance of CT/PTs for their continued usage and ODF++ focuses on addressing safe management of faecal sludge from toilets and ensuring that no untreated sludge is drained into open drains and water bodies.
- Star Rating Protocol or Garbage Free Cities have been launched to motivate cities to achieve garbage free status. It is single metric rating system based on 12 parameters.
- Swachh Manch have been launched which acts as an online knowledge management and stakeholder engagement portal to galvanize SBM into a true Jan Andolan.
- The third round of Swachh Survekshan was conducted from 4th January to 10th March covering 4203 towns. Indore, Bhopal and Chandigarh have emerged as top 3 cleanest cities in the country.
- To inculcate behavioural change a national helpline 1969 has been launched to address queries from the citizens around SBM.
- Swachhata App has been launched as a grievance redressal platform for any complaints from citizens related to cleanliness.
- An innovative audio campaign Swachhata Selfie has been launched.