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Popular Government Welfare Schemes - Part II

Published on Saturday, September 06, 2014

Popular government schemes, important for banking exams.

Must read Government Welfare schemes Part I

Mid Day Meals

It was started first of all in Tamil Nadu in 1960. It is for the benefit of class I to VIII in schools run by government, Local bodies, government aided and national child labour project schools, in this meals are provided with a minimum energy contents for primary level children 485 calories and 13 gm protein and for upper primary level a 728 calories and 21 gm of protein is provided per day. Rs.13215 Crore were provided in the Budget 2014-15. The cooking cost per child per day provided Rs.3.59 for primary section and Rs.5.38 for upper primary section.

Aajeevika NRLM (National Rural Livelihood Mission)

New name of SGSY (Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana): It is the 2nd largest scheme after NREGA. Aajeevika is the new proposed name of this scheme. Rs.2600 Crore have been provided in the General Budget 2014-15. It is a self employment programme, under this assistance is given to the poor families who are below poverty line (BPL) in rural area for taking up self employment, the person taking self employment is called Swarozgari, they may take up the activity either individually or in groups (self help group) normally self help groups are preferred. Under this mission, women SHGs are provided bank loans at 4% on prompt repayment in 150 districts and at 7% in all other districts. I propose to women SHGs at 4% in another 100 districts.

PMSSY (Pradhan Mantari Swasthya Suraksha Yojana)

With an objective to correct the regional imbalances 4 AIIMS level institution will be opened all over India and upgrading of existing medical colleges for over all health of the public. As per Budget 2014-15 Rs.39238 were provided for the health care and two new initiative were taken free drug service and free diagnosis services.

Shakshat Project

One laptop each child for computer literacy in India.

Jan Shiksha Kendra

These are the adult education centre to coordinate and manage the literacy mission.


For unorganised sector worker- To promote voluntary savings towards pensions a co-contributory scheme- was started in 2010, LIC has been appointed as an Agreegator and All PSBs as points of presence and aggregator, Union government extended this scheme for the unorganised worker like anganwadi workers, construction workers, weavers, fishermen, farmers, dairy workers etc. Under new pension scheme government funding will continue for 5 years instead of 3 years Rs.1000 is given to each NPS account. For exit from thisw scheme 50 years of age or 20 years period which ever is later is required Rs.1000 to Rs.12000 minimum saving annually is required for each NPS a/c holder. Swavalamban Life – It is also for unorganised sector covering 39 different sectors, Entry age is same i.e. 18 to 60 years, with a minimum Rs.1200 a year, means Rs.100 minimum a month, central government will contribute Rs.1000 for 5 years annually and the state government will contribute 1000 for 3 years. NPS (New Pension Scheme) is for government employees with a minimum Rs.6000 ayear, Swavalamban is for unorganised sector worker with a minimum contribution of Rs.12000 a year, and Swavalamban Life it is also for Unorganised Sector workers of very small nature, it is with a minimum contribution of Rs.1200 per year.

Universal Health Coverage (Jan Swasthya Abhiyaan)

The High Level Expert Group (HLEG) under the planning commission had given its report in November 2011 for UHC. This programme will be covered under NRHM and Rs.30000 Crore will be kept in for next 5 years, in this generic medicine will be given free, at least one district in every state with sub centre and district hospital, 2.5% of the GDP will be kept for health.

Saakshar Bharat

The main objective of this scheme is to further promote and strengthen audit education, especially of women, by extending educational options to those adults who having lost the opportunity to access formal education and crossed the standard age now feel a need for learning of any type. Eligibility criteria is a candidate should be non literates in the age group of 15-35 years and women. It can be availed through Jan Shiksha Kendras in various regions.


It is a placement oriented skill development scheme. It would target 50000 persons with a condition of 50% women employment, Rs.100 Crore will be spent in 3 years, it is for the age group of 18 to 35 years, Roshni scheme is launched inn 24 most critical left wing extremism affected districts (N E states). A training from 3 months to 1 year shall be provided with 75% placement assured with higher than minimum wages persons could be placed anywhere in India.


Means support to help youngsters with no college education find work. This programme has emerged as a platform for women empowerment, A new scheme to aim to give a sill training to 1 Lac youth in the next 5 years introduced in 2011-12 in J & K.

NAPCC (National Action Plan on Climate Change)

NAPCC was inititated by the Ministry of Environment, and 8 missions are k ept for consideration. 1. Solar Engery 2. Energy conservation and efficiency 3. Sdtrategic knowledge of climate change 4. Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem 5. National Water Mission 6. Green India Mission 7. Sustainable Habitat 8. Sustainable Agriculture

Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)

Under NRHM (national Rural Health Mission) for reducing maternal and neo natal mortality by promoting delivery by the skilled one, among the poor pregnant, JSY card is provided, ASHA/Anaganwari Workers are provided as a link, payment is made before discharge.

NERPL (North East Rural Livelihoods Projects)

It is aimed at enhancing the livelihoods of the rural poor, especially women, unemployed youth and disadvantaged section in 9 districts of 4 states Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura with 4 components i.e. Social Empowerment, Economic Empowerment, Partnership Development and Project Management.

MGNREGA (Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act)

It is an Indian job guarantee scheme it provides a legal guarantee for 100 days of employment in every financial year to adult members of any rural household, willing to do public work related unskilled manual work at the statutory minimum wage of rs.120/-, 1/3 of the stipulated workforce is women, work is provided within 5 km of radius of village if more than 10% extra wages are given. Haryana is giving Rs.191 per day under MNREGA. Andhra Pradesh is providing a guaranteed employment for 150 days. In drought affected states also provided for 150 days of guaranteed employment. ST who got land under Forest Area Act will also get 50 days additional employment.

Bharat Nirmaan

It is basically a rural infrastructures development programme keeping in mind 6 factor roads, houses, irrigation, electricity, drinking water and information technology.

Janani Shishu Suraksha Karayakaram

It was launched by Ms.Sonia Gandhi in Mandi Khera village of Mewat, all pregnant women are entitled to deliveries including the required treatment pick and drop facility health check up and tests medicines and blood at government hospital free of cost. The infants requiring treatment and medicines etc. will be provided free of cost. Centre is spending 1100 Crore per month.

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Ramandeep Singh

Ramandeep Singh - Educator

I'm Ramandeep Singh, your guide to banking and insurance exams. With 14 years of experience and over 5000 successful selections, I understand the path to success firsthand, having transitioned from Dena Bank and SBI. I'm passionate about helping you achieve your banking and insurance dreams.

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