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Strategies for Repeat Failure in Bank Exams

Published on Saturday, January 03, 2015
Many of you might have been struggling in cracking bank exams. Some of you might have wasted 2-3 years while preparing and appearing for various recruitment exams.

Three years back while I was doing MBA from PAU(Ludhiana), I appeared for IBPS PO exam, I wasn't aware about the exact syllabus. While in exam I wasn't serious because I wanted to complete my MBA and didn't want to join. Result was unexpected,
I cracked the exam and then appeared for interviews. It was a bad interview, they asked me questions about Sikh history and I am an atheist. I was blank. Still I managed to get the job.

Same thing happened with two of my friends who were preparing along with me.

Why I am telling this to you ?

Because your strategies are wrong, that's why you are failing again and again.

Most of the failures in recruitment exams are weak in either one or two section. Most of the times it is Quantitative aptitude or English

What if you are weak at Quantitative Aptitude

Time management is the biggest enemy here. Questions are not much difficult but 50 questions is too much!!!

Cracking QT is actually an art of skipping difficult questions and solve easiest questions.

  • There will be 3-4 Data interpretation sets in every exam, out of them 1-2 sets will be very easy, find them and give 15 minutes each to each set.
  • Practice online tests as much as possible
  • Stop following RS Aggarwal, it's outdated and nowdays difficulty level of questions are much higher. 
  • Learn simple methods to solve questions from every chapter.

I have made a preparation DVD, so you can get it here along with Notes.

What if you are weak at English

That is most difficult question that many readers ask me everyday. I don't know the exact answer to this question but after analysing many local students I concluded that candidates skip Reading comprehension part because they think it will take lots of time and there is no guarantee of getting right answers.

So understand a fact that you are a graduate and your English is not bad at all. You kept on telling yourself that your English is bad. At D-day you don't give adequate time to this section thinking that you won't fetch much marks in this section. So you failed.

Think again

If you had given 35 minutes to this English instead of wasting your time on super-complex reasoning puzzle then result might be different.

You need to allocate adequate time to this chapter. That's the Secret Recipe.

Practice more and more Reading comprehension sets. After practising few dozen sets, you will feel improvement in your accuracy.

After preparing for months, I don't think you will be weak in Reasoning.

My tips

Concentrate on General awareness

It's very easy to score in GA, Computers and English than Quantitative aptitude and Reasoning, still most of the coaching institutes avoids GA. 

Many people will say that GA syllabus is too wide, but according to me syllabus of GA in limited and anybody can score really well if he/she know what to read.

Before every important exam I release a special GK Digest for that particular exam. Most beautiful part is - That's free !

Time management

Time management is the most important part. Without writing another 200 words on time management, here is ideal time you should allot to each section 

Quantitative aptitude - 40 minutes
Reasoning - 35 minutes
English - 30 minutes
GA and Computer - 15 minutes

That's all for today. I will try to upload more useful study material within next few days. 

Don't lose hope, keep trying

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About Me

Ramandeep Singh

Ramandeep Singh - Educator

I'm Ramandeep Singh, your guide to banking and insurance exams. With 14 years of experience and over 5000 successful selections, I understand the path to success firsthand, having transitioned from Dena Bank and SBI. I'm passionate about helping you achieve your banking and insurance dreams.

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