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Reasoning Inequality Trick - Solve any Question within 10 seconds

Published on Monday, April 02, 2018
Today I am going to share King Soldiers and Public technique to solve Inequalities. By using this technique, you can solve any question from Inequalities within 10 seconds. In every exam, at least 5 questions are asked from this topic.

Inequality trick

Points to remember

  • King is more powerful than Soldiers
  • Soldiers are more powerful than Public
  • Whenever there is a conflict between two Kings, then there will be no conclusion
  • When there is a conflict between two soldiers, then there will be no conclusion

Let King means < or >

kings in inequality

Soldier means ≥ or ≤


Public means =


Case 1. 'King vs King'

king vs king

Suppose there is a war going on between two kings.Whenever the two kings face each other means war. In other words, conclusion will be wrong.
Note: Two signs opposite to each other will make the conclusion wrong But again if the signs are in the same manner that will not make it wrong.
like this
If A > B < C  > D then A  < C = False , C   > A = False .
 If E > F > G > H then E  > G = True , F  > H = True , E  > H = True.

Statement:  A < D > C < E > B
  • C > B   → False
  • A < E   → False
  • D > B   → False          
In simple way ,Whenever these two sign comes in opposite direction the answer will be false.

Case 2.  ' Soldier vs Soldier'

soldier vs soldier

Whenever the soldiers face each other means again war(same apply here). In other words, conclusion will be wrong.

Note: Two signs opposite to each other will make the conclusion wrong But again if the signs are same then it will be true.
like this
If A ≥ B ≤C then A  ≤ C = False , C   ≥ A = False .
 If A ≥ B  C then A   C = True , C    A = True .


Statement: B ≥ D ≤ A ≥ F ≤ C
Conclusions :
I. A ≥ C → False
II. B ≤ F → False
III. D ≥ C → False

Case 3. Sets Priority:

If they all come in order then kings’ priority will be first, soldier's second and public at last.

Statement: P ≥ R > Q = T ≥ S
Conclusions :
 I. P ≥ Q → False
II. P > Q → True
III. Q ≥ S → True

Case 4.

When it occurs to you that the statement of order is opposite just change the sign into similar opposite direction

Change the sign into similar opposite / corresponding/alternative direction .
If A > B > F > C < D < E
than F < A → True [ ∵  A > B > F =  F < B <  A ] 
Statements  : A>B>F>C; D>E>C
        I.    C < A → True
        II.   C > A → False

Statements  : R ≥ S ≥ T > U > X ; T < V <W
        I.   R > X  → True [Note: Apply Case 3 here ]
        II.  X < R → True [Note: Apply Case 3 & 4 here ]

Statements  : K ≤ L ≤ M = N ; P ≥ O ≥N
        K ≤  L ≤ M = N ≤ O ≤ P




   III.  K ≤ M   →  True
   IV   K < P    →  False
   V    K = P    →  False
Statement IV & V Apply Either Or

Case 5. Protocols

There are some rules on the battlefield which is that king only fights with king and soldier only fight with a soldier.
So Whenever you find two conclusions which are false Just check for these two symbols.In Most of the cases where two conclusions are false and these two similar signs are not there respectively than that statement, you can call it as Either Or but should check there variable it should same.

#Case Either Or :

Note : First thing you need to check whether in your conclusion any 2 or more conclusions are wrong
then if it is there then check whether the two variables are same If It happens then write it as 'Either or' but after checking their symbols.

1.  Both conclusions should False
2. Should have Same Predicate or Variable 
3. Check the symbols

If 3 Condition is satisfied then write it as " Either Or' Otherwise leave it.

Solved Questions :

 #Case Neither Nor :

There are some rules in battlefield which is that king only fights with king and soldier only fight with soldier.
So Whenever you find two conclusions which are false Just check for these two symbols.In Most of the case where two conclusions are false and these two signs are not there respectively than that statement, you can call it as Neither Nor.

Note: First thing you need to check whether in your conclusion any 2 or more conclusions are wrong
then write it as 'Neither Nor' but before checking their symbols.

1.  Both conclusion should False 
2. Check the symbols

If Both  Conditions are satisfied then write it as " Neither Nor' Otherwise leave it.

How to solve 'Either Or' & 'Neither Nor' Question

Solved Practice question using shortcut technique

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Must read

Note:- Many of you might find this trick funny and baseless but it works! I have lot more tricks to share. Stay updated.

Give me your opinion in the comments.

Image source - Deposit photos, Shutter stock
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Ramandeep Singh

Ramandeep Singh - Educator

I'm Ramandeep Singh, your guide to banking and insurance exams. With 14 years of experience and over 5000 successful selections, I understand the path to success firsthand, having transitioned from Dena Bank and SBI. I'm passionate about helping you achieve your banking and insurance dreams.

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