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Banking Awareness Quiz - Part 22

Published on Friday, August 21, 2015
Banking Awareness Quiz for today :-

banking quiz

Q1. Reserve Bank of India under (RBI Act) ________ is solely responsible for the issuance of currency notes excluding rupee one note which issued by Finance Secretary of the Government of India:
a) Section 22
b) Section 24
c) Section 26
d) None of These

Q2. RBI provides ________credit facility to the Government of India and State Government in order to overcome tight money position between payment and receipt of the client:
a) 'credit and means'
b) 'ways and means'
c) 'ease and means'
d) None of These

Q3. The period of such 'ways and means' credit is maximum _______days:
a) 60 Days
b) 90 Days
c) 12) Days
d) None of These

Q4. 'ways and means'  such power to lend money to government is given under section_____ of RBI Act, 1934:
a) 17(4)
b) 17(5)
c) 17(10)
d) None of These

Q5. CAC stands for:
a) Cash And Credit Collections
b) Capital Account Convertibility
c) Current Account Convertibility
d) None of These

Q6. ________ is basically associated with change of ownership in foreign domestic financial assets and liabilities at market determined rate of exchange:
a) Capital Account Convertibility
b) Fuller Capital Account Convertibility
c) Both of Above
d) None of These

Q7. As we knows that IRDA has its headquarter at Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) but till 2001 it operated from____:
a) Kolkata
b) Delhi
c) Trivendram 
d) None of These

Q8. ULIP stands for:
a) Universal Linked Insurance Plan
b) Unit Linked Insurance Plan
c) Under Life Insurance Plan
d) None of These

Q9. The first ULIP was launched in India in _____:
a) 1972
b) 1971
c) 1975
d) None of These

Q10. The first ULIP was launched by:
b) Unit Trust of India (UTI)
d) None of These

Q11. AMC stands for:
a) Acquired Money Collection
b) Asset Management Company 
c) Assets Manufacturing Company 
d) None of These

Q12. SWF refers to:
a) Special Wealth Funds
b) Sovereign Wealth Funds
c) Synchronized Wealth Funds
d) None of These

Q13. BIS stands for:
a) Bank for International Services
b) Bank for International Settlements
c) Bank for International Savings
d) None of These

Q14. The first set of Basel Accords are known as:
a) Basel 1
b) Basel A
c) Basel 0
d) None of These

Q15. The first set of Basel Accords was issued in:
a) 1988
b) 1985
c) 1989
d) None of These

Q16. Primary focus of Basel I was on:
a) Increase Credit ability of banks
b) Credit Risk
c) Financial help to developing countries 
d) None of These

Q17. BCBS stands for:
a) British Corporation for Basel Standards
b) Basel  Committee on Banking Supervision
c) Banking Commission for Basel Society 
d) None of These

Q18. Basel II was issued in:
a) July, 1999
b) June, 1999
c) September, 1999
d) None of These

Q19. Basel (City) is located in:
a) Switzerland
b) France
c) USA
d) None of These 

Q20. RWA stands for:
a) Research Wing Association 
b) Risk Wing for Assets
c) Risk Weighted Assets
d) None of These

Take previous Banking quiz :-

1235 , 6 789101112 , 1314, 15161718 ,19 ,20 and 21.
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Ramandeep Singh

Ramandeep Singh - Educator

I'm Ramandeep Singh, your guide to banking and insurance exams. With 14 years of experience and over 5000 successful selections, I understand the path to success firsthand, having transitioned from Dena Bank and SBI. I'm passionate about helping you achieve your banking and insurance dreams.

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