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Computer Awareness Quiz - Part 17

Published on Friday, August 21, 2015
Computer Awareness Quiz for today :-


Q1. At the top of the word interface, there is ___:
a) Title Bar
b) Standard Tool Bar 
c) Menu Bar
d) None of These

Q2. ______toolbar contains short cuts to some of the most frequently used commands from the menu bar:
a) Standard 
b) Title 
c) Status Bar
d) None of These

Q3. _____toolbar contains short cuts to some of the most frequently used command found under the FORMAT menu item:
a) Status Bar
b) Formatting Toolbar 
c) Standard Toolbar
d) None of These

Q4. ____displays information about the active document:
a) Title Bar
b) Menu Bar 
c) Status Bar
d) None of These

Q5. Microsoft Word was released in:
a) 1983
c) 1985
d) None of These 

Q6. Microsoft Word was initially known as:
a)  Micro Word
b) Multi - Tool Word
c) Sample Word 
d) None of These

Q7. SAN stands for:
a) Specific Area Network 
b) System Area Network
c) Standard Area Network 
d) None of These

Q8. NAP stands for:
a) Network Access Point 
b) Naptive Area Protocol
c) Node for Assessing Patteern
d) None of These

Q9. Router that connects multiple backbones, known as:
a) Internet Service Providers
b) Network Access Point
c) Point of Presence 
d) None of These

Q10. DHCP stands for:
a) Defferred Host Comparable Protocol 
b) Diode Host Counter Protocol
c) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
d) None of These 

Q11. VPN stands for:
a) Virtual Perfect Network
b) Virtual Power Network
c) Virtual Private Network
d) None of These

Q12. UDP stands for:
a) User Datagram Protocol
b) User Defined Protocol
c) Un - Dispatched Protocol
d) None of These

Q13. The original ______grew into the internet:
d) None of These

Q14. The ________is a three layer network protocol that contains addressing information and some control information that enables packets to be routed:
a) User Datagram Protocol 
b) Internet Protocol
c) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 
d) None of These

Q15. The ________is a network layer Internet protocol that provides message packets to report errors and other information regarding IP packet processing back to the source:
a) Internet Control Message Protocol
b) Internet Standard Flexible Message Protocol
c) Internet Dynamic Chartered Message Protocol 
d) None of These

Q16. POP (In computer language) stands for:
a) Point of Perfection
b) Point of Presence
c) Point of Pictures 
d) None of These

Q17. You listen the term ARPA-NET, Expand the term ARPA:
a) Advanced Research Projects Agency
b) Abstract Research Projects Agency
c) Army Research Projects Agency 
d) None of These

Q18. Short cut key for 'Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word' is:
a) Shift + Right Arrow 
b) Ctrl + Right Arrow
c) Ctrl + Left Arrow 
d) None of These

Q19. If you want to 'Go to beginning of current line' you will press:
a) Shift + Home
b) Home
c) Alt + Home
d) None of These

Q20. If you wants to 'Go to beginning of document' you will press:
a) Home
b) Ctrl + Home
c) Alt + Home 
d)  None of These

Take previous Quiz

Computer awareness Quiz 123, 45678 , 9 , 1011 , 12131415 and 16.
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