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Computer Awareness Quiz - MS Office (Part 3)

Published on Saturday, September 26, 2015
Computer Awareness Quiz for today :-

computer quiz

Q1. What are three types of data found in a spreadsheet:
a) Data, words, numbers
b) Equations, data, numbers
c) Words, numbers, labels
d) None of The Above

Q2. Which of the following special function keys allow the content in cell:
a) Tab
b) Shift
c) Space
d) None of The Above

Q3. Which of the following  is not an advantage of using computerized spreadsheets:
a) Cost of Initial setup
b) Speed of calculation 
c) Ability of generate tables 
d) Flexibility of moving entries
e) None of The Above

Q4. The view that puts a blue line around each page that would be printed is the:
a) Split View
b) Normal View
c) Print Preview 
d) None of The Above

Q5. A constant is another name for which type of data:
a) Number 
b) Equation 
c) Formula
d) None of The Above

Q6. What is the first thing that must be entered when you are typing an equation into a cell:
a) Quotation Marks
b) Parnthesis
c) The first cell referenced 
d) None of The Above

Q7.  By using the Auto Sum button we can replace in the selected cell:
a) The sum of values in the cell's column
b) Nothing until you select a range of cells
c) A formula which will add values in the range excel guesses you want to add
d) None of The Above

Q8. Which one of the following options displays the contents of the active cells:
a) Active Cell
b) Formula Bar
c) Menu Bar
d) Name Box
e) None of The Above

Q9. What are the Graphics objects on a chart are used for:
a) Add emphasis to chart data
b) Add interest to a chart
c) Help explain the chart data
d) None of The Above

Q10. What is the purpose of SUMIF function:
a) Returns a subtotal in a list or database
b) Adds all the numbers in a range of cells
c) Gives an average of the cell selection 
d) None of The Above

Q11. You can insert labels for:
a) All the data markers on a chart
b) A data series 
c) A selected data marker 
d) None of The Above

Q12. The function of the Tab scrolling button is to:
a) Allow you to view a different worksheet
b) Allow you to view additional worksheet row down
c) Allow you to view additional sheet tabs 
d) None of The Above

Q13. How can you quickly apply professional formatting to your sales forecast worksheet:
a) Apply special attributes using format painter
b) Apply a selected background color 
c) Apply an Auto Format style 
d) Apply Borders
e)  None of The Above 

Q14. Which of the following excel features can you use if you want to work with one record at a time:
a) Auto Filter
b) Auto Complete 
c) Data Form
d) Sub Totals
e) None of The Above 

Q15. Which function does Excel use when creating a data table:
a) Average 
b) Count 
c) Sum if 
d) None of The Above

Q16. One can copy cell formats from one cell to another by using which of the following options:
a) Format Painter
b) Default Font
c) Backspace Key
d) Formatting Toolbar
e) None of The Above

Q17. Which of the following is  a group of cell that form a rectangle on the screen:
a) Range 
b) formula 
c) Calculation 
d) None of The Above

Q18. The drag and drop method of copying or moving can be used:
a) Between worksheets but not workbooks
b) Between workbooks but not worksheets
c) Between workbooks and worksheets 
d) None of The Above

Q19. How can you use drag and drop to embed excel worksheet data in a word document:
a) By dragging a range of excel data to the word button on the task bar while pressing the Ctrl Key
b) By dragging a range of excel data to the word button on the task bar while pressing the Shift Key
c) By displaying both applications side-by-side and dragging a selected range of excel data into the word application window while pressing the Ctrl Key
d) None of The Above

Q20. Suppose, we have columns of data that span more than one printed page. How can we automatically print the column headings on each page:
a) Click page setup on the file menu, click the sheet tab, and enter the row that contains these column headings under print titles 
b) Click page setup on the file menu, click the page tab, click the options button, then enter your choices 
c) Click page setup on the final menu, click the sheet tab, and make a selection under the print heading 
d) Click on the File - page setup and Click on Landscape 
e) All of The Above 
f) None of The Above

Take MS Office quiz 1 and 2

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Ramandeep Singh

Ramandeep Singh - Educator

I'm Ramandeep Singh, your guide to banking and insurance exams. With 14 years of experience and over 5000 successful selections, I understand the path to success firsthand, having transitioned from Dena Bank and SBI. I'm passionate about helping you achieve your banking and insurance dreams.

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