Blood Relations is one of the easiest chapter of Reasoning. It is scoring chapter. Once you know about the blood relations tricks, you can get full marks from this chapter in a few minutes.. Lets know more about this chapter.
Blood Relations (Meaning) - Simply blood relations means blood relationship among members of the family.
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From the above diagram, you get the knowledge of Generations. Lets know about different terms in blood relations that will provide you easy platform while solving the questions in competitive exams.

Some Basic Important blood relationships are shown below through diagram.

a) Father - In - Law
b) Father
c) Maternal Uncle
d) Grand Father

a) Sister
b) Sister - In - Law
c) Niece
d) None of The Above

Q3. T, S and R are three brothers. T's son Q is married to K and they have one child Rahul blessed to them. M the son of S is married to H and this couple is blessed with a daughter Madhvi. R has a daughter N who is married to P. This couple has one daughter Karuna born to them. How is Madhvi related to S?
a) Daughter
b) Niece
c) Grand Daughter
d) None of The Above

Q4. Arti and Saurabh are the children of Mr and Mrs Shah. Ritu and Shakti are the children of Mr and Mrs. Mehra. Saurabh and Ritu are married to each other and two daughter Mukti and Shruti are born to them. Shakti is married to Rina and two children Subhash and Reshma are born to them. How is Arti related to Shruti?
Blood Relations (Meaning) - Simply blood relations means blood relationship among members of the family.
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Structure of Different Blood Relations
Important Terms in Blood Relations
Father of Grandfather or Grandmother | = Great Grand Father |
Mother of Grandfather or Grandmother | = Great Grand Mother |
Father of Father or Mother | =Grand Father |
Mother of Father or Mother | = Grand Mother |
Wife of Grandfather | = Grand Mother |
Husband of Grand Mother | = Grand Father |
Father – in – Law of Father/Mother | = Grand Father |
Mother – in – Law of Father/Mother | = Grand Mother |
Father’s Father/Mother only son | = Father |
Only Daughter – in – Law of Father’s Father/Father’s Mother | = Mother |
Husband of Mother | = Father |
Wife of Father | = Mother |
Second Wife of Father | = Step Mother |
Brother of Father or Mother | = Uncle |
Sister of Father or Mother | = Aunt |
Husband of Aunt | = Uncle |
Wife of Uncle | = Aunt |
Son of Grand Father/Grand Mother | =Father/Uncle |
Daughter of Father – in – Law/Mother –in – Law of Father | = Mother / Aunt |
Father of Wife/Husband | = Father – in – Law |
Mother of Wife/Husband | = Mother – in – Law |
Children of same parents | = Siblings |
Father’s / Mother’s only son/daughter | = Oneself |
Son of Father or Mother | = Brother |
Daughter of Father or Mother | = Sister |
Son of second Wife of Father | = Step Brother |
Daughter of Second Wife of Father | = Step Sister |
Son / Daughter of Uncle/Aunt | = Cousin |
Brother of Husband or Wife | = Brother – in – Law |
Sister of Husband or Wife | = Sister – in – Law |
Husband of Sister/ Sister – in - Law | = Brother – In – Law |
Son of Father | = Oneself / Brother |
Mother of Son/ Daughter | = Oneself/ Wife |
Father of Daughter / Son | = Oneself/Husband |
Son of Son of Grand Mother/ Grand Father | = Cousin/Oneself/Brother |
Daughter of Son of Grand Mother/Grand Father | = Cousin / Oneself / Sister |
Son of Brother or Sister | = Nephew |
Daughter of Brother or Sister | = Niece |
Grandson of Father/Mother | = Son / Nephew |
Grand Daughter of Father / Mother | = Daughter / Niece |
Husband of Daughter | = Son – in – Law |
Wife of Brother / Brother – in – Law | = Sister – in - Law |
Wife of Son | = Daughter – in – Law |
Son of Son/Daughter | = Grandson |
Daughter of Son/Daughter | Grand Daughter |
Son’s/ Daughter’s Grandson | Great Grand Son |
Son’s /Daughter’s Grand daughter | Great Grand Daughter |
How to Draw a Family Diagram (Important Symbols)
Below are the some basic important symbols used to present the family relationships easily. On the basis of following diagram, you can find any blood relationships easily and quickly.Some Basic Important blood relationships are shown below through diagram.
Lets Do Some Practice
Q1. Pinky, who is Victor's daughter, say to Lucy, "Your Mother Rosy is the younger sister of my Father, who is the third child of Joseph." How is Joseph related to Lucy?a) Father - In - Law
b) Father
c) Maternal Uncle
d) Grand Father
(Option D)
Joseph has three children, One is X, second is Victor and Third is Rosy. It is not clear X is male or female. Rosy is the mother of Lucy so Joseph is the grandfather of Lucy that is clearly shown in the above diagram.Q2. Mohan is the Son of Arun's Father's sister. Prakash is the son of Reva, who is the mother of Vikas and Grandmother of Arun. Pranab is the father of Neela and the grandfather of Mohan. Reva is the wife of Pranab. How is the wife of Vikas related to the neela?
a) Sister
b) Sister - In - Law
c) Niece
d) None of The Above
(Option B)
As the diagram shows that Vikas is Neela's brother so wife of Vikas will be Neela's Sister - in - Law.
a) Daughter
b) Niece
c) Grand Daughter
d) None of The Above
(Option C)
In the above diagram, its clearly shows that Madhvi is granddaughter of S.
Q4. Arti and Saurabh are the children of Mr and Mrs Shah. Ritu and Shakti are the children of Mr and Mrs. Mehra. Saurabh and Ritu are married to each other and two daughter Mukti and Shruti are born to them. Shakti is married to Rina and two children Subhash and Reshma are born to them. How is Arti related to Shruti?
a) Mother
b) Mother - in - Law
c) Sister
d) Aunt

(Option D)Arti is Aunt of Shruti. It can be seen clearly from the above diagram.Q5. In a family, there are seven persons, comprising two married couples. T is the son of M and the grandson of K. M is a widower. M and R are brothers and W is the daughter - in - Law of J, who is the mother of R and the grandmother of D. How is D related to M?
a) Son
b) Son - in - Law
c) Nephew or Niece
d) Brother

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(Option C)
D is Nephew or Niece of M because gender of D is not specify in the question.
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