A word or expression that provides the opposite meaning of another word is called antonym. Here given 250 words with their antonyms from previous year exams. Have a look.
S.No | Word | Antonyms |
1. | Ascend | Descend |
2. | Conformist | Nonconformist |
3. | Contentious | Noncontentious |
4. | Flammable | Nonflammable |
5. | Interference | Noninterference |
6. | Payment | Nonpayment |
7. | Political | Nonpolitical |
8. | Resident | Nonresident |
9. | Barbarous | Civilized |
10. | Baroque | Plain |
11. | Barren | Fertile |
12. | Barrier | Link |
13. | Base | Summit, noble |
14. | Batty | Sane |
15. | Bawdy | Decent |
16. | Beauty | Ugliness |
17. | Beautiful | Ugly |
18. | Befogged | Clearheaded |
19. | Beginning | End |
20. | Benevolent | Malevolent |
21. | Belie | Justify |
22. | Believe | Doubt |
23. | Benign | Maligent, cruel |
24. | Best | Worst |
25. | Bind | Release |
26. | Birth | Death |
27. | Bitter | Sweet |
28. | Blame | Praise |
29. | Bleak | Bright, cheerful |
30. | Blunt | Keen, sharp |
31. | Boisterous | Placid |
32. | Bold | Timid |
33. | Borrow | Lend |
34. | Bottom | Top |
35. | Brave | Coward |
36. | Bright | Dull |
37. | Broad | Narrow |
38. | Build | Destroy |
39. | Busy | Idle, lazy |
40. | Calculate | Guess |
41. | Calculating | Artless |
42. | Calm | Stormy |
43. | Callous | Kind |
44. | Camouflage | Reveal |
45. | Candid | Evasive |
46. | Captivate | Repel |
47. | Care | Neglect |
48. | Carnal | Spiritual |
49. | Casual | Formal |
50. | Catholic | Narrow-minded |
51. | Celebrated | Unknown |
52. | Cement | Disintegrate |
53. | Censure | Praise |
54. | Cheap | Dear |
55. | Clandestine | Open |
56. | Classic | Romantic |
57. | Clever | Stupid |
58. | Coarse | Fine |
59. | Comic | Tragic |
60. | Common | Rare, uncommon |
61. | Compact | Diffuse |
62. | Compare | Contrast |
63. | Compress | Expand |
64. | Conceal | Reveal |
65. | Conceit | Modesty |
66. | Concord | Discord |
67. | Condemn | Approve |
68. | Confess | Deny |
69. | Confidence | Diffidence |
70. | Confident | Diffident |
71. | Consolidate | Weaken |
72. | Continue | Weaken |
73. | Contract | Expand |
74. | Country | Town |
75. | Courtesy | Rudeness |
76. | Create | Destroy |
77. | Creation | Destruction |
78. | Credit | Cash |
79. | Credulous | Skeptical |
80. | Cruel | Kind |
81. | Cunning | Naive |
82. | Danger | Safety |
83. | Deep | Shallow |
84. | Demote | Promote |
85. | Denounce | Defend |
86. | Dense | Sparse |
87. | Derogatory | Laudatory |
88. | Despair | Hope |
89. | Destructive | Constructive |
90. | Devil | God |
91. | Divide | Multiply |
92. | Docile | Headstrong |
93. | Domestic | Foreign |
94. | Doubt | Trust |
95. | Dwarf | Giant |
96. | Eager | Indifferent |
97. | Early | Late |
98. | Ease | Disquiet |
99. | Eclipse | Shine |
100. | Gather | Disperse |
101. | General | Particular |
102. | Generosity | Stinginess |
103. | Gentle | Rude |
104. | Genuine | Spurious |
105. | Gloomy | Gay, bright |
106. | Glory | Shame, disgrace |
107. | Gorgeous | Simple |
108. | Hamper | Expedite |
109. | Hamstrung | Strengthen |
110. | Happy | Miserable |
111. | Harm | Benefit |
112. | Harmony | Discord |
113. | Harsh | Melodious |
114. | Hasty | Leisurely |
115. | Head | Tail |
116. | Healthy | Diseased |
117. | Hear | Ignore |
118. | Heaven | Hell |
119. | Help | Hinder |
120. | Hide | Divulge |
121. | High | Low |
122. | Height | Depth |
123. | Hollow | Solid |
124. | Honour | Shame |
125. | Humble | Proud |
126. | Humility | Pride |
127. | Hurry | Delay |
128. | Hurt | Heal |
129. | Hypocrisy | Sincerity |
130. | Impenitent | Repentant |
131. | Impulsive | Cautious |
132. | Indifferent | Partial |
133. | Indigent | Rich |
134. | Infernal | Heavenly |
135. | Inhale | Exhale |
136. | Innocent | Guilty |
137. | Insipid | Tasty |
138. | Insult | Esteem, honour |
139 | Interesting | Dull, uninteresting |
140. | Jest | Earnest |
141. | Keep | Discard |
142. | Knowledge | Ignorance |
143. | Labour | Rest, repose |
144. | Languid | Energetic |
145. | Law | Anarchy |
146. | Lead | Follow |
147. | Leader | Follower |
148. | Lenient | Strict |
149. | Lethargic | Energetic |
150. | Liberty | Slavery |
151. | Limit | Stretch |
152. | Lovely | Hideous |
153. | Loud | Soft |
154. | Make | Mar |
155. | Malice | Goodwill |
156. | Male | Female |
157. | Major | Minor |
158. | Majority | Minority |
159. | Mandatory | Optional |
160. | Mark | Erase |
161. | Masculine | Feminine |
162. | Meek | Arrogant |
163. | Merit | Demerit |
164. | Mighty | Weak |
165. | Mild | Stern |
166. | Miserly | Generous |
167. | Mix | Separate |
168. | Morbid | Healthy |
169. | Motion | Rest |
170. | Mative | Alien |
171. | Meat | Flithy |
172. | Nimble | Lazy |
173. | Noble | Ignoble, base |
174. | Noise | Quiet |
175. | Normal | Abnormal |
176. | Obey | Defy, disobey |
177. | Obliging | Mulish, obstinate |
178. | Obscure | Prominent |
179. | Observe | Miss, disregard |
180. | Obstinate | Pliable, flexible |
181. | Obstruct | Assist |
182. | Obtain | Forfeit |
183. | Ominous | Auspicious |
184. | Optimist | Pessimist |
185. | Ordinary | Rare, unique |
186. | Pacify | Irritate |
187. | Painful | Soothing |
188. | Particular | General |
189. | Passionate | Dispassionate |
190. | Permanent | Temporary |
191. | Permission | Refusal |
192. | Persuade | Dissuade |
193. | Perturbed | Calm |
194. | Prologue | Epilogue |
195. | Prolong | Shorten |
196. | Propagate | Suppress |
197. | Prose | Poetry |
198. | Positive | Negative |
199. | Profit | Loss |
200. | Progress | Retrogress |
201. | Prohibit | Permit |
202. | Prompt | Slow |
203. | Prudence | Indiscretion |
204. | Public | Private |
205. | Punish | Reward, forgive |
206. | Pursue | Avoid |
207. | Raid | Retreat |
208. | Raise | Lower |
209. | Rapidity | Inertia |
210. | Rare | Common |
211. | Reason | Folly |
212. | Rebellious | Submissive |
213. | Rectify | Falsify |
214. | Reluctant | Eager |
215. | Restrain | Incite |
216. | Right | Left, wrong |
217. | Sacred | Profane |
218. | Sad | Cheerful |
219. | Safe | Risky, dangerous |
220. | Savage | Civilized |
221. | Save | Spend |
222. | Saviour | Destroyer |
223. | Severe | Mild, lenient |
224. | Shy | Impudent |
225. | Sin | Virtue |
226. | Startled | Waveringly |
227. | Steep | Flat |
228. | Straight | Curved |
229. | Stranger | Acquaintance |
230. | Sublime | Ridiculous |
231. | Sympathy | Antipathy |
232. | Synonym | Antonym |
233. | System | Chaos |
234. | Tame | Wild |
235. | Teacher | Student |
236. | Terse | Diffuse |
237. | Thick | Thin |
238. | Thrifty | Extravagant |
239. | Tragedy | Comedy |
240. | Tranquil | Agitated |
241. | Transparent | Opaque |
242. | Union | Discord |
243. | Upward | Downward |
244. | Vacant | Occupied |
245. | Vain | Modest |
246. | Victory | Defeat |
247. | Violent | Gentle, peaceful |
248. | Virtue | Vice |
249. | Vision | Blindness |
250. | Vivid | Dull, dim |