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English Mania Series - Sentence Improvement

Published on Thursday, January 14, 2016
sentence improvement
In Questions No. 1 to 10, a sentence / a part of the sentence are underlined. Below are given alternatives to the underlined part at (A), (B), (C) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case of no improvement is needed your answer is (D).

1. I have dreamt all my life to own a beautiful maroon coloured car.
(A) of owning
(B) at owning

(C) to owning
(D) No improvement

2. The office is soon to be closed.
(A) just to
(B) immediately to
(C) about to
(D) No improvement

3. Sitting on the hill top, the sun went down watching before him.
(A) he watched the sun go down
(B) the sun went down with him watching
(C) the sun went down when he watched
(D) No improvement

4. Why should you be despaired of your success of your undertaking ?
(A) you despair of the success of your undertaking
(B) you be despaired of the success of your undertaking
(C) you despair of success of your undertaking
(D) No improvement

5. Something is pretty here that Vineeta can wear to the party.
(A) Something here is pretty
(B) Here is something pretty
(C) Something is here pretty
(D) No improvement

6. I prevailed on him to vote for you.
(A) to
(B) upon
(C) at
(D) No improvement

7. He has achieved nothing out of his way worth mentioning.
(A) out of the way
(B) in a big way
(C) by the way
(D) No improvement

8. Eager to pass his final exams , studying was the students top priority.
(A) the student’s top priority was studying
(B) the top priority of studying was made by the student
(C) the student made studying his top priority
(D) No improvement

9. Mr. Dev will not go the wedding reception without being called .
(A) if he is not invited
(B) unless he is invited
(C) till he is invited
(D) No improvement

10. As Amit was going to town in the High Street a savage dog attacked him and bit him.
(A) going to town a savage dog attacked him and bit him in the High Street
(B) in the High Street a savage dog attacked him and bit him in the town
(C) going to town in the High street a savage dog bit him and attacked him
(D) No improvement



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