1) Bring down the house
Receive applause
Usage: Though it was his maiden speech, he brought down the house because of his oratory skill.
2) Curry favor with
Win favor of somebody
Usage: Anita gave a lot of costly presents to her science teacher to curry favor with her.
3) Chip of the old block
Resembling one's parents in habit
Usage: Agnes is quite helpful like her father, so she is a chip of the old block.
4) Grid up the lions
To prepare for hard work
Usage: Indians must grid up the loins to face any foreign attack on their country.
5) Spick and span
In order
Usage: Her house looked spick and span because everything was in its place.
6) Shot in the arm
Something that has a sudden and positive effect on something, providing encouragement and new activity.
Usage: Knowledge of martial arts was a short in the arms for the new army recruits.
7) Egg someone on
To encourage someone to do something, esp, something unwise or bad
Usage: Shewta was egging him on to fight.