Hi readers,
A word or expression that provides the similar or nearly the same meaning as another word in the equivalent sense is known as Synonym. Here given 250 Synonyms words. Have a look.
A word or expression that provides the similar or nearly the same meaning as another word in the equivalent sense is known as Synonym. Here given 250 Synonyms words. Have a look.

S.No | Word | Synonyms |
1. | Abase | Degrade, Disgrace, Humiliate, Demean, Dishonour |
2. | Abandon | Desert, Forsake, Leave, Relinquish |
3. | Abhor | Hate, Detest, Loathe, Abdominate |
4. | Abut | Adjoin, Border, Verge on, Join |
5. | Abstain | Refuse, Renounce, Avoid, Shun |
6. | Abbreviate | Curtail, Abridge, Compress, Shorten, Truncate |
7. | Aberration | Deviation, Wandering, Errant, Irrregular, Weird |
8. | Abet | Aid, Assist, Condone, Favour, Support, Promote |
9. | Absurd | Ridiculous, Silly, Foolish, Preposterous |
10. | Abstruse | Recondite, Hidden, Difficult |
11. | Assiduous | Painstaking, Diligent, Industrious, Laborious |
12. | Abundant | Ample, Copious, Plentiful, Bountiful |
13. | Adequate | Enough, Sufficient, Proportionate |
14. | Accommodate | Adapt, Adjust, Reconcile |
15. | Acme | Summit, Apex, Zenith, Peak |
16. | Acclaim | Applaud, Cheer, Celebrate, Extol |
17. | Acquiesce (in) | Assent, Rest, Accede, Comply, Concur, Consent |
18. | Admiration | Esteem, Praise, Respect, Approval, Approbation |
19. | Adherent | Sticking to, Follower, Partisan, Devotee |
20. | Affliction | Distress, Ordeal, Suffering, Sorrow |
21. | Adversity | Misfortune, Calamity, Catastrophe, Hostility |
22. | Ameliorate | Make better, Improve, Amend |
23. | Ally | Colleague, Helper, Partner, Accomplice |
24. | Audacious | Bold, Brazen, Impudent, Daring |
25. | Astonish | Amaze, Surprise, Astound, Flabbergast |
26. | Assistance | Help, Aid, Succor, Collaboration, Sustenance |
27. | Aphorism | Maxim, Apothegm, Axiom, Proverb, Motto, Adage |
28. | Apprehend | Seize, Know, Fear, Arrest, Understand |
29. | Appraise | Evaluate, Estimate |
30. | Antithesis | Contrasting, Reverse |
31. | Alms | Dole, Gratuity, Money, Clothes and food that are given to poor people |
32. | Beg | Implore, Solicit, Supplicate, Beseech, Request Plead |
33. | Behaviour | Ignoble, Mean, Low, Foundation |
34. | Bad | Evil, Wicked, Devilish, Naughty, Worthless |
35. | Blame | Censure, Reprove, Condemn, Reproach |
36. | Blessing | Benediction, God’s help or protection |
37. | Barbaric | Savage, Uncivilized, Primitive Align |
38. | Bait | Snare, Trap, Decoy |
39. | Brittle | Frail, Fragile, hard but easily broken |
40. | Bizarre | Unusual, Grotesque, Fantastic |
41. | Bewilder | Confound, Perplex, Befuddle, Befog, Baffle, Daze |
42. | Belligerent | Warlike, Pugnacious, Hostile |
43. | Bedlam | Pandemonium, Chaos, Mayhem, Clamor, Confusion |
44. | Bravo | Fearless, Intrepid, Dauntless, Valiant, Bold |
45. | Burlesque | Mock, Imitate, Tease, Satirize, Ridicule, Jeer, Deride |
46. | Browbeat | Intimate, Bully, Frighten, Threaten |
47. | Backlash | Repercussion, Reaction, Recoil |
48. | Banal | Dull, Trite, Hackneyed, Prosaic |
49. | Bigoted | Biased, Prejudiced, Dogmatic, Opinionated |
50. | Calm | Quiet, Tranquil, Peaceful, Sedate, Composed, Placid |
51. | Cajole | Persuade, Flatter, Wheedle, Coax |
52. | Captious | Censorious, Hypercritical, Faulfinding |
53. | Care | Solicitude, Anxiety, Misgiving, Forebonding |
54. | Charlatan | Impostor, Mountebank, Quack, Chicane, Trickster |
55. | Choleric | Irascible, Petulant, Bad-tempered |
56. | Conceit | Pride, Vanity, Ego, Arrogance |
57. | Colossal | Gigantic, Huge, Enormous, Mammoth, Vast |
58. | Cynical | Misanthropic, Moody, Eccentric, Sardonic, Sarcastic |
59. | Conversant | Familiar, Well versed, Acquainted (with) |
60. | Condign | Due, Merited, Well deserved, Due, Suitable |
61. | Condone | Pardon, Forgive, Excuse, Overlook |
62. | Confess | Admit, Apologise, Own, Acknowledge |
63. | Contingent on) | Liable, Possible, Uncertain |
64. | Constant | Eternal, Perpetual, Incessant, Continuous |
65. | Cross | Crusty, Fretful, Ill-humoured |
66. | Cursory | Hasty, Superficial, Careless |
67. | Concise | Short, Brief, Abridged, Compact |
68. | Crafty | Cunning, Artful, Sly, Calculating |
69. | Cruelty | Tyranny, Persecution, Brutality, Oppression, Ferocity |
70. | Damage | Loss, Harm, Injury, Detriment |
71. | Decay | Wither, Fade, Corrode, Decline |
72. | Destitute | Needy, Forsaken, Orphan |
73. | Didactic | Teaching, Instructive, Perfecting |
74. | Denounce | Accuse, Condemn, Arraign, Decry, Censure |
75. | Divine | Heavenly, Celestial, Graceful, Godlike |
76. | Dangerous | Perilous, Risky, Hazardous, Precarious |
77. | Dear | Expensive, Costly, Loved by somebody |
78. | Definitive | Limiting, Final, Positive |
79. | Desultory | Discontinuous, Irregular, Rambling |
80. | Diffident | Modest, Bashful, Shy |
81. | Discourse | Lecture, Sermon, Exhortation, Dissertation |
82. | Dissipate | Scatter, Waste |
83. | Economy | Management, Frugality, Thrifty, Judicious |
84. | Effete | Exhausted, Old, Worn out, Tired |
85. | Elicit | Draw out, Discover |
86. | Elude | Baffle, Avoid, Cheat, Fool |
87. | Emancipate | Free, Liberate, Release, Deliver, Uplift |
88. | Emulate | Imitate, Rival |
89. | Entice | Lure, Persuade, Allure, Entrap |
90. | Extravagant | Prodigal, Wasteful |
91. | Exquisite | Elegant, Fine, Matchless, Exclusive |
92. | Exceptional | Anomalous, Unique, Extraordinary |
93. | Extricate | Disentangle, Untangle |
94. | Ephemeral | Transient, Short-lived |
95. | Exterminate | Uproot, Eradicate, Eliminate, Destroy, Annihilate |
96. | Exacerbate | Magnify, Heighten, Enlarge, Overstate, Amplify |
97. | Exculpate | Absolve, Vindicate |
98. | Exigency | Emergency, Distress |
99. | Fascinate | Charm, Enchant, Memorize, Bewitch |
100. | Fastidious | Dainty, Squeamish, Hard to please |
101. | Fate | Lot, Destiny, End |
102. | Fatuous | Silly, Purposeless |
103. | Fight | Battle, Contention, Combat, Struggle, Conflict, Strife |
104. | Fury | Anger, Rage, Wrath, Ire |
105. | Fecund | Prolific, Fertile, Fruitful, Luxuriant, Productive |
106. | Ferocious | Savage, Barbaric, Fierce, Wild, Uncivilized |
107. | Fictitious | False, Imaginative, Illusionary, Fabricated, Fanciful |
108. | Flagrant | Notorious, Outrageous, Disgraceful |
109. | Fortuitous | Chance, Accidental |
110. | Forerunner | Precursor, Herald, Harbinger |
111. | Forbid | Prohibit, Preclude, Inhibit, Debar |
112. | Flippant | Pert, Frivolous, Impudent, Saucy |
113. | Flamboyant | Bombastic, Ostentatious, Ornate |
114. | Fatal | Deadly, Mortal, Lethal, Virulent |
115. | Fallacy | Imperfection, Erring, Wrong |
116. | Furbish | Polish, Spruce, Renovate |
117. | Fortitude | Strength, Firmness, Valour, Determination |
118. | Guile | Fraud, Trickery, Cunning |
119. | Gratification | Satisfaction, Enjoyment |
120. | Garrulous | Talkative, Loquacious |
121. | Humane | Kind, Generous, Benevolent, Compassionate |
122. | Haughty | Arrogant, Proud, Egoist, Obstinate |
123. | Humility | Politeness, Meekness, Modesty |
124. | Hamper | Hinder, Block, Impede, Prevent |
125. | Illiterate | Unlearned, Ignorant, Uneducated |
126. | Impotent | Powerless. Disabled, Inadequate, Incapable |
127. | Immaterial | Unimportant, Insignificant, Useless, Irrelevant |
128. | Imminent | Threatening, Impending, Approaching |
129. | Irresolute | Undecided, Wavering, Vacillating |
130. | Indignant | Angry, Furious, Irate, Exasperated |
131. | Inanimate | Lifeless, Dead, Dormant, Stagnant, Extinct |
132. | Ingenuous | Artless, Sincere, Naïve, Innocent |
133. | Insidious | Cunning, Clever, Inventive, Deceitful, Sly |
134. | Intimate | Close, Confident, Inform, Cherished |
135. | Inexorable | Relentless, Merciless, Apathetic, Harsh |
136. | Impertinent | Irrelevant, Impudent, Insolent, Saucy |
137. | Jolly | Jovial, Merry, Cheerful, Affable |
138. | Jubilant | Elated, Triumphant |
139 | Joy | Delight, Pleasure, Ecstasy, Elation |
140. | Knave | Fraud, Cheat, Scoundrel, Rogue |
141. | Lament | Sorrow, Mourn, Grieve |
142. | Liberal | Generous, Kind, Tolerant, Permissive |
143. | Lenient | Forbearing, Forgiving, Compassionate, Mild |
144. | Lethargy | Laziness, Stupor, Sluggishness, Idleness |
145. | Likeness | Similarity, Resemblance, Affinity |
146. | Lively | Active, Enthusiastic, Agile, Brisk |
147. | Loyal | Devoted, Faithful, Trustworthy, Honest |
148. | Meagre | Small, Tiny, Inadequate, Scanty |
149. | Mean | Low, Petty, Abject, Selfish |
150. | Misery | Sorrow, Distress, Affliction, Grief |
151. | Morbid | Unhealthy, Diseased, Ghastly, Horrid |
152. | Mournful | Sad, Sorrow, Gloomy, Dejected |
153. | Mighty | Powerful, Massive, Strong, Almighty |
154. | Malice | Bitterness, Spite, Ill-well, Rancour, Malevolence |
155. | Melancholy | Gloomy, Sadness, Sorrow, Dejected |
156. | Magnificent | Splendid, Grand, Good, Glorious |
157. | Notorious | Infamous, Dishonourable, Flagrant, Blatant |
158. | Notable | Memorable, Remarkable, Renowned, Eminent |
159. | Obscene | Filthy, Indecent, Awful, Bawdy, Vulgar,Gross, Crude |
160. | Obsolete | Antiquated, Old-fashioned, Extinct, Outworn |
161. | Obtrude | Thrust, Pressure, Importunate, Interfere |
162. | Obliterate | Destroy, Efface, Demolish, Erase |
163. | Opportune | Timely, Convenient, Appropriate, Well-chosen |
164. | Pensive | Thoughtful, Rational, Contemplative, Reflective |
165. | Pathetic | Moving, Touching, Distressing, Lamentable |
166. | Pious | Religious, Holy, Devout, God-fearing |
167. | Perennial | Perpetual, Parmanent, Long lasting, Constant |
168. | Portray | Delineate, Depict, Draw, Sketch |
169. | Possess | Have, Own, Acquire, Occupy, Seize |
170. | Prate | Chatter, Babble, Tattle, Talkative |
171. | Prodigal | Extravagant, Wasteful, Spendthrift, Squander |
172. | Precocious | Premture, Forward, Advanced, Developed |
173. | Philanthropist | Altruist, Charitable, Benevolent, Kind |
174. | Patronize | Condescend, Stoop, Snub |
175. | Penalize | Castigate, Chatise, Punish |
176. | Picturesque | Charming, Pictorial, Scenic, Sylvan |
177. | Prerogative | Privilege, Advantage, Exemption, Right |
178. | Prohibit | Forbid, Interdict, Prevent, Ban |
179. | Pillage | Plunder, Loot, Rob, Destroy, Steal |
180. | Poignant | Touching, Moving, Heart-Rending |
181. | Quaint | Queer, Odd, Singular, Whimsical |
182. | Quirk | Whim, Caprice,, Fancy, Peculiarity |
183. | Quip | Retort, Repartee, Remark, Jest |
184. | Quarantined | Separated, Isolated, Restrained |
185. | Qualm | Scruple, Doubt, Uncertainty, Suspicion |
186. | Queer | Strange, Odd, Indifferent, Weird |
187. | Questionable | Doubtful, Disputable, Accountable, Objectionable |
188. | Quest | Search, Pursuit, Inquisitive, Crusade |
189. | Quick | Alive, Swift, Keen, Fast |
190. | Radiant | Brilliant, Bright, Intelligent, Beaming |
191. | Refined | Elegant, Polished, Cultured, Sophisticated |
192. | Rebellion | Mutiny, Revolt, Struggle, Fight |
193. | Reiterate | Repeat, Do it again, Rewrite, Emphasis |
194. | Remorse | Repentance, Regret, Anguish, Grief |
195. | Renown | Reputation, Fame, Famous, Distinguished |
196. | Rejoice | Exult, Delight, Happy, Glad |
197. | Relevant | Execute, Applicable, Pertinent, Implement |
198. | Resistance | Opposition, Hindrance, Combat, Struggle |
199. | Ruin | Destruction, Downfall, Wreckage, Devastation |
200. | Rigid | Stiff, Unyielding, Stern |
201. | Rash | Impetuous, Hasty, Foolhardy, Impulsive, Heedless |
202. | Refute | Disprove, Answer, Deny |
203. | Ricochet | Rebound, Reflect, Bounce, Carom |
204. | Rut | Groove, Hollow, Furrow, Habit, Course, Routine |
205. | Rural | Suburban, Rustic, Agrarian, Country |
206. | Radical | Fundamental, Native, Original, Extreme, Rebellious, Rimy Frosty, Hazy, Blurred |
207. | Remote | Far, Distant, Interior place, Aloof |
208. | Ridiculous | Absurd, Silly, Comical, Ludicrous |
209. | Sane | Wise, Sensible, Sound, Balanced |
210. | Satiate | Satisfy, Surfeit, Glut, Happy |
211. | Sacred | Holy, Consecrated, Blessed, Divine |
212. | Scanty | Meagre, Slender, Insufficient, Limited |
213. | Scold | Chide, Rebuke, Rail, Complain |
214. | Scrutinize | Examine, View, Study, Analyze, Inspect |
215. | Scorching | Sweltering, Searing, Burning, Fiery |
216. | Spry | Nimble, Agile, Animated, Brisk, Lively, Quick |
217. | Statute | Law, Decree, Ordinance, Edict, Rule, Act, Bill |
218. | Stipulation | Prerequisite, Condition, Qualification, Clause |
219. | Subterfuge | Ploy, Scheme, Stratagem, Deceit, Deception |
220. | Substantiate | Authenticate, Validate, Confirm, Verify, Corroborate |
221. | Succinct | Brief, Concise, Terse, Abbreviated |
222. | Sensual | Carnal, Fleshy, Voluptuous, Attractive |
223. | Servile | Slavish, Docile, Timid, Mean |
224. | Shrewd | Astute, Perspicacious, Canny, Calculative |
225. | Shy | Bashful, Coy, Diffident, Hesitant |
226. | Solitary | Single, Hermetic, Isolated, Desolate |
227. | Static | Firm, Adamant, Fixed |
228. | Spurious | Fake, Counterfeit, Artificial, False |
229. | Sterile | Unproductive, Barren, Impotent, Disinfected |
230. | Sublime | Exalted, Elevated, Improved, Magnified |
231. | Superficial | Shallow, Illusion, Dream, Outward |
232. | Synonymous | Identical, Equivalent, Alike, Similar |
233. | Taboo | Forbidden, Banned, Prohibited |
234. | Tenacious | Resolute, Persistent, Obstinate |
235. | Tenet | Belief, Conviction, Dogma, Doctrine, Creed |
236. | Therapeutics | Curative, Restorative, Recuperative |
237. | Temperate | Moderate, Balanced, Controlled, Sensible |
238. | Ulterior | Concealed, Shrouded, Obscured |
239. | Urchin | Waif, Stray, Foundling, Orphan |
240. | Urge | Incite, Press, Implore, Instigate, Drive, Impel, Goad |
241. | Veto | Reject, Discard, Void, Nullify, Invalidate, Dismiss |
242. | Vilify | Malign, Slur, Defame, Slander |
243. | Vivacious | Sprightly, Spirited, Energetic |
244. | Wile | Trickery, Artifice, Ruse |
245. | Winsome | Beautiful, Captivating, Comely, Delightful |
246. | Waive | Forgo, Relinquish, Defer, Renounce |
247. | Yield | Surrender, Submit, Admit, Agree |
248. | Yearn | Crave, Desire, Aspire, Urge |
249. | Zeal | Zest, Passion, Enthusiasm, Fervour, Tempo |
250. | Zenith | Peak, Apex, Summit, Acme |