A. appointed to settle dispute between employee and management
B. to whom customer can approach for redressal of his grievances
C. appointed to recover dues from defaulting borrowers
D. none of the above
Ques 2. "Bid - Ask Price " is :
A. quotation of the foreign currency
B. rate at which the traders bid for foreign currency
C. rate at which the traders ask for foreign currency
D. none of the above
Ques 3. " Hundi " is a:
A. Draft
B. cheque
C, Bill of Exchange
D. Promissory Note
Ques 4. " Islamic Banking " is a term used for :
A. interest free deposits , investment
B. covering Banking of Muslims
C. covering Islamic nations
D. none of the above
Ques 5. Banking Industry has been declared as public utility service for purpose of ;
A. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
B. Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
C. Banking Regulation Act, 1949
D.Industrial Disputes Act
Ques 6. Cash drawings under kisan cards can be permitted at:
A. designated branches
B. at issuing branches
C. all branches
D. none of these
Ques 7.
Currency Chest is the property of :
A. State Bank of India
B. Government of India
C. Reserve Bank of India
D. None of these
Ques 8.
PAN number is required for all transaction above :
A. Rs. 25,000
B. Rs. 50,000
C. Rs. 1 lac
D. Rs. 10 lacs
Ques 9.
A. Current accounts
B. Demat Accounts
C. Terms Deposits
D. Savings bank
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