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Computer Mania: Development of Computer (Short Note with Questions) (Part 37)

Published on Wednesday, February 03, 2016
Dear Readers,
Today we are presenting you the Computer Mania on Development of Computer. Here we are giving you a short note on this topic and a question set of 10 questions. Read it and try to solve the questions.

(Short Note with Questions)

What is a Computer?

The computer is one of the most powerful innovations in human history. Computer is a man-made electronic machine which stores, reads and process data to produce meaningful information as output.

Basic Operation of Computer:

Arithmetic Operation
Logical Operation
Storage & Relatives

Generation of Computer & Main Electronic Parts:

1st Generation (1949-54): Electronic Valves, Vacuum Tubes
2nd Generation (1954-64): Transistor
3rd Generation (1964-80): Integrated Circuit
4th Generation (1980-2010): Large Scale Integrated Circuits, Micro Processor.
5th Generation (2010-Till Now): Computing Devices, Based On Artificial Intelligence.

Evolution of Computer:

Abacus -> Pascal Calculator -> Analytical Engine -> Herman Hollerith and Punch Cards -> First Electronic Calculator (ENIAC) -> Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer (EDSAC) -> Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC).

Abacus: Developed in China.

Pascal Calculator: Invented by French Scientist and Mathematicians Blaise Pascal (1645).

Father of Computer: Charles Babbage (1823-34)

Basic Architecture of Computer: John Von Neumann (1947-49)

1st Programmer: Lady Ada Lovelae (1880)

1st Electronic Computer: ENIAC (1946) - J.P. Eckert & J.W. Mauchly

Full Form: ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
                       UNIVAC: UNIVersal Automatic Computer


Multiple Choice Questions

First read the above short note very carefully. Let’s try to answer these following questions which are based on “Development of Computer”:

1. Computer’s basic architecture was developed by _________________.
a) Blaise Pascal
b) Jordan Murn
c) Charles Babbage
d) John Van Neumann
e) None of these

2. In production of I.C. chip of computer what is needed in the following ________________.
a) Platinum
b) Gold
c) Silicon
d) Iron
e) Silver

3. Analog computer is
a) Communicate at low level
b) A machine which works on data which is always changeable
c) Communicate at high level
d) All of these
e) None of these

4. Father of computer is
a) John Von Neumann
b) Lady Ada Lovelae
c) Charles Babbage
d) J.P. Eckert & J.W. Mauchly
e) Blaise Pascal

5. Abacus was developed in ______________.
a) India
b) China
c) USA
d) Japan
e) Sri Lanka

6. In which generation of computer was ‘Transistor’ introduced?
a) 1st Generation
b) 3rd Generation
c) 4th Generation
d) 2nd Generation
e) 5th Generation

7. Who developed ‘Integrated Chip’?
a) Charles Babbage
b) J S Kilbi
c) Blaise Pascal
d) John Mauchlay
e) None of these

8. Main electronic part of in first generation computer was _____________.
a) Transistor
b) Micro Processor.
c) Vacuum Tubes
d) Large Scale Integrated Circuits
e) None of these

9. What is the full form of ‘ENIAC’?
a) Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
b) Electronically Numerical Integrator and Computer
c) Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
d) Electronically Numerical Integrator and Calculator
e) None of these

10. In which generation did multiprogramming start?
a) 5th Generation
b) 2nd Generation
c) 1st Generation
d) 3rd Generation
e) 4th Generation


1. d) John Van Neumann
2. c) Silicon
3. b) A machine which works on data which is always changeable
4. c) Charles Babbage
5. b) China
6. d) 2nd Generation
7. b) J S Kilbi
8. c) Vacuum Tubes
9. c) Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
10. d) 3rd Generation

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