1. Murder of infants
(a) Regicide
(b) Suicide
(c) Homicide
(d) Infanticide
2. Short lived or fleeting
(a) Permanent
(b) Ephemeral
(c) Effeminate
(d) Optimist
(e) None of these
3. A person whose thoughts are turned inward and who never opens his heart to others.
(a) Extrovert
(b) Introvert
(c) Sceptic
(d) Ambivert
(e) None of these
4. Word for word
(a) Verbatim
(b) Compound
(c) Synonym
(d) Oral
(e) None of these
5. A person who does things only for pleasure
(a) Professional
(b) Radical
(c) Amateur
(d) Empiric
(e) None of these
6. That which can be easily carried
(a) Portable
(b) Impregnable
(c) Invisible
(d) Apostate
(e) None of these
7. One who flirts with ladies
(a) Solvent
(b) Gentleman
(c) Philanderer
(d) Popular
(e) None of these
8. An office for which no salary is paid
(a) Hospitable
(b) Free
(c) Honorary
(d) Gratis
(e) None of these
9. A word which has the same meaning as another
(a) Contemporary
(b) Substitute
(c) Synonym
(d) Antonym
(e) None of these
10. Four children born at the same time
(a) Forte
(b) Twins
(c) Fortis
(d) Quadruplets
(e) None of these
11. An insect with many legs
(a) Biped
(b) Butterfly
(c) Centipede
(d) Quadruped
(e) None of these
12. To change hostility into friendship
(a) Surrogate
(b) Castigate
(c) Placate
(d) Complicate
(e) None of these
13. One who studies the history of development of mankind is
(a) Anthropologist
(b) Botanist
(c) Economist
(d) Historian
(e) None of these
14. One who does not show favour to anyone is called
(a) Impartial
(b) Unfavourable
(c) Prejudiced
(d) Rude
(e) None of these
15. To throw light on something difficult
(a) Amplify
(b) Expand
(c) Explain
(d) Elucidate
(e) None of these
1. Infanticide
2. Ephemeral
3. Introvert
4. Verbatim
5. Amateur
6. Portable
7. Philanderer
8. Honorary
9. Synonym
10. Quadruplets
11. Centipede
12. Placate
13. Historian
14. Impartial
15. Elucidate
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