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Reasoning Mania: Syllogism & Inequality

Published on Tuesday, February 02, 2016
Dear Readers,
Today we are presenting Reasoning Mania which is based on Syllogism and Inequality. Try to solve it.

Reasoning Mania: Syllogism & Inequality

Directions (Q. 1-5): In each questions below, there are three statements followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variable with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statements.

1. Statements:
Some keys are lock.
All keys are doors.
No windows are door.

I. All doors are key.
II. No windows are keys.
III. Some locks are not windows.
IV. Some locks are windows.
a) I and either III or IV follow
b) Only I and II follow
c) Only II and III follow
d) II and either III or IV follow
e) Either III or IV follows

2. Statements:
Some venues are matches.
No match is a nest.
All nests are regions.

I. Some region are nests.
II. Some region are not matches.
III. Some venues are not nests.
IV. Some nest are not matches.

a) Only I, III and IV follow
b) Only I, II and IV follow
c) Only I, II and III follow
d) Only II, III and IV follow
e) All follow.

3. Statements:
No press is a photo.
All blocks are press.
Some photos are scholars.

I. No books are photos.
II. Some scholars are photos.
III. Some blocks are photos.
IV. Some scholars are not blocks.

a) Only I, III and IV follow
b) Only I, III and IV follow
c) Only I, II and III follow
d) Only II and IV follow
e) Only II, IV and either I or III follow

4. Statements:
All inlets are cannels.
No channels are bays.
Some gulfs are bays.

I. Some gulfs are not inlets.
II. Some gulfs are not channels.
III. Some channels are not gulfs.
IV. No inlets is a bay.

a) Only I, III and IV follow
b) Only II, III and IV follow
c) Only II and IV follow
d) Only III and II follow
e) Only I, II and IV follow

5. Statements:
Some spaces are spheres.
No area is an extent.
All extents are sphares.

I. Some areas are spheres.
II. No area is an extent.
III. No areas are spheres.
IV. Some spheres are not areas.

a) Either I or III and IV follow
b) Either I or III, II and IV follow
c) Either I or IV follows
d) Only II and IV follow
e) Only II follows.

Directions (Q. 6-10): In the following questions, the symbols £, $, @, , and > are used with the following meanings:

P £ Q means P is greater than Q.
P $ Q means P is either greater than or equal to Q.
P @ Q means P is equal to Q.
P ≈ Q means P is smaller than Q.
P > Q means P is either smaller than or equal to Q.

Now in each of the following questions, assuming the given statementtobe true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true. Give answer.
a) if only conclusion I is true;
b) if only conclusion II is true;
c) if either I or II is true;
d) if neither I NOR II is true; and
e) if both I and II are true.

6. Statements: J>R, P@R>L, H$R
Conclusions: I. R£L       II. J>H

7. Statements: G$F, D>S, S@F
Conclusions: I. S≈G       II.S@G

8. Statements: Y>H, P≈N, H@P
Conclusions: I. N£Y       II.H>N

9. Statements: M£N, N>Q, Q>D
Conclusions: I. M£D       II.Q@D

10. Statements: V£X, U>Z, X@U
Conclusions: I. V£Z       II. X@Z


1. c
2. e
3. a
4. e
5. a
6. b
7. c
8. a
9. d
10. d

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