(A) President
(B) Governor
(C) Legislative Assembly
(D) Legislative Council
(A) 18 years
(B) 25 years
(C) 30 years
(D) 35 years
3. Article 312 of the Indian Constitution is related to which of the following?
(A) All India Services
(B) Declaration of Emergency
(C) Hindi Language
(D) Center State Relationships
4. Who appoints the chairman of the Finance Commission?
(A) President
(B) Prime Minister
(C) Parliament
(D) Council of Ministers
5. Training for the Indian Police Services officers is conducted at ____________.
(A) Mount Abu
(B) Hyderabad
(C) Nagpur
(D) Mussoorie
6. Who among the following can participate in the proceedings of the Lok Sabha but cannot vote?
(A) Solicitor General
(B) Attorney General
(C) Advocate General
(D) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
7. Provision of Directive Principles has been incorporated in the Indian Constitution from which country’s Constitution?
(A) Erstwhile USSR
(C) Ireland
(D) UK
8. When was National Development Council (NDC) set up?
(A) 6 March 1950
(B) 15 August 1947
(C) 15 March 1950
(D) 6 August 1952
9. By which Constitution Amendment Act Preamble of the Indian Constitution was amended for the first time?
(A) 24th
(B) 42nd
(C) 44th
(D) Never amended
10. Who gave the new definition of Fiscal Deficit?
(A) Chakravarty Committee
(B) Malegam Committee
(C) Rangarajan Committee
(D) Ashok Mehta Committee
11. Who represents the State Government at Panchayat level?
(A) Gram Sevak
(B) Mukhiya
(C) Sarpanch
(D) Panchayat Samiti
12. Who gives decision over the dispute on election of the President?
(A) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
(B) Parliament
(C) Supreme Court
(D) Parliament
13. Who was the World’s first woman Prime Minister?
(A) Indira Gandhi
(B) Benazir Bhutto
(C) Margaret Thatcher
(D) Sirimavo Bandaranaike
14. Rajya Sabha is called as permanent House because ---
(A) All members are for the life time.
(B) It cannot be dissolved.
(C) It is in session for entire year.
(D) None of these
15. What is republic?
(A) Only a socialist State.
(B) State having Presidential Administrative System
(C) State having Parliamentary Administrative System
(D) State whether Head of the State is not hereditary.
1. (C) Legislative Assembly has the power to dismiss the Council of Ministers if it passes the no confidence motion.
2. (D) The minimum age to become the President of India is 35 years.
3. (A) Article 312 of the Indian Constitution has the provision of All India Services.
4. (A) Chairman of the Finance Commission is appointed by the President of India.
5. (B) Training for the Indian Police Services officers is conducted at Hyderabad.
6. (B) Attorney General can participate in the proceedings of the Lok Sabha but cannot vote.
7. (C) Provision of Directive Principles has been incorporated from the Constitution of Ireland.
8. (D) National Development Council (NDC) set up on 6 August 1952.
9. (B) Preamble of the India Constitution was amended for the first time by 42nd Constitution Amendment Act.
10. (A) New definition of Fiscal Deficit is given by Chakravarty Committee.
11. (A) Gram Sevak represents the State Government at Panchayat level.
12. (C) Supreme Court gives decision over the dispute on election of the President.
13. (D) Sirimavo Bandaranaike was the World’s first woman Prime Minister.
14. (B) Rajya Sabha cannot be dissolved.
15. (D) Republic means State whether Head of the State is not hereditary.
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