(a) make vague
(b) bungle
(c) care for
(d) swindle
2. Vociferous
(a) mutual
(b) offensively loud
(c) flowing freely
(d) directly experienced
(e) None of these
3. Preclude
(a) prevent
(b) distinguish
(c) introduce
(d) transfer
(e) None of these
4. Belie
(a) be consistent with
(b) misrepresent
(c) charm
(d) cheat outright
(e) None of these
5. Laconic
(a) complex
(b) routine
(c) not saying much
(d) scarce
(e) None of these
6. Precipitous
(a) immature
(b) diluted
(c) observant
(d) hasty
(e) None of these
7. Recondite
(a) refined
(b) direct
(c) arcane
(d) forgotten
(e) None of these
8. Enervate
(a) encourage
(b) annoy
(c) sap energy from
(d) energize
(e) None of these
9. Apocryphal
(a) mysterious
(b) questionably fake
(c) secretive
(d) fault-finding
(e) None of these
10. Palaver
(a) babble
(b) lightly tease
(c) lighten
(d) become intimate
(e) None of these
11. Bucolic
(a) grand, majectic
(b) rundown
(c) rural
(d) ill
(e) None of these
12. Amenable
(a) unpleasant
(b) deceitful
(c) cooperative
(d) widespread
(e) None of these
13. Parochial
(a) overused
(b) tidy
(c) narrow-minded
(d) pompous
(e) None of these
14. Exiguity
(a) suitability
(b) speed
(c) disingenuousness
(d) meagerness
(e) None of these
15. Calumny
(a) mystery
(b) slander
(c) great fame
(d) failure
(e) None of these
1. swindle
2. offensively loud
3. prevent
4. misrepresent
5. not saying much
6. hasty
7. arcane
8. sap energy from
9. questionably fake
10. babble
11. rural
12. cooperative
13. narrow-minded
14. meagerness