1) Who won Best Actor award in 88th Academy Awards?
Ans: Leonardo Di Caprio
2) The International Renewable Energy Agency (IREA) headquarters is located at?
Ans: Abu Dhabi.
3) Who won Arjun Award in kabaddi in 2015?
Ans: Manjeet Chiller
4) Among the following which is not a board game?
Ans: Bridge
5) First woman Indian, who won the gold medal in Asian awards?
Ans: Mary Kom
6) What is blue ray disc?
Ans: Storage device
7) Who is the first Indian to go into the space?
Ans: Rakesh sharma
8) Cricket World Cup is organised by?
Ans: International Cricket Council (ICC)
9) Gold is soluble in?
Ans: Aqua Regia
10) What is the Mukesh Ambani rank in world’s richest person?
Ans: 36
11) Lalitha babar belongs to which game?
Ans: Athletics
12) Malleable refers to?
Ans: ability of a metal to be hammered into thin sheets
13) Which Indian women badminton player won gold medal in Malaysia Masters Grand Prix?
Ans: PV Sindhu
14) Who formed the Asiatic Society of Bengal?
Ans: William Jones
15) What is formed due to presence of carotene in the milk of Indian cows?
Ans: Yellow colour
16) Virus is type of software that destroys mainly?
Ans: Data
17) The Bowl dance is popular in which state?
Ans: West Bengal
18) The air bubble shines in water due to?
Ans: Reflection
19) The cooling agent in a air condition is?
Ans: Freon
20) Dronacharya award is given to which field of Sports?
Ans: Coach
More Questions will be added soon. Thanks.