Hi readers,
Today I am sharing short notes on Indian Constitution.
Number of pages - 42
File format - PDF
Today I am sharing short notes on Indian Constitution.

Number of pages - 42
File format - PDF
- Evolution of Indian Constitution
- Administrative & Legislative Reforms Before 1857
- Regulating Act of 1773
- Pitts India Act of 1784
- Charter Act of 1793
- Charter Act of 1813
- Charter Act of 1833
- Charter Act of 1853
- Administrative & 'Legislative Reforms After 1857
- Government of India Act, 1858
- Indian Councils Act, 1861
- Indian Councils Act, 1892
- Morley-Minto Reforms and the Indian Councils Act, 1909
- The Government of India Act, 1915
- Montague-Chelmsford Report and the Government of India Act, 1919
- Simon Commission
- The Government of India Act, 1935
- Cripps Mission
- Cabinet Mission Plan
- The Mountbatten Plan
- The Indian Independence Act, 1947 of the British Parliament
- Constituent Assembly and Making of the Constitution
- Important Committees of the Constituent Assembly and their Chairman
- Different Sources of the Indian Constitution
- Important Articles of the Constitution
- Right to Equality
- Right to Freedom
- Right against Exploitation
- Right to Freedom of Religion.
- Right to Constitutional Remedies
- Part IV Directive Principles of State Policy
- Part IVA Art. 51A Fundamental Duties
- Part V The Union
- Chapter-1 : The Executive
- Chapter-II : Parliament
- Chapter IV : The Union Judiciary
- Chapter- V Comptroller and Auditor-General of India
- Part VI The States
- Some important Amendments of the Constitution
- Federal features of the Indian. Constitution -
- Unitary features of the Indian. Constitution
- The Preamble
- Lapse of. Paramountcy
- Integration and Merger of Indian States
- Reorganization of States
- Citizenship
- Fundamental Rights
- The Mandal Commission Case
- Right to Information
- Directive Principles of State Policy
- Important Directive Principles
- Difference Between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles
- Fundamental Duties
- The Prime Minister and the Union Council Of Ministers
- The Comptroller & Auditor General of India
- The Parliament of India
- Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha
- Speaker and Deputy Speaker of The Lok Sabha
- Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha
- Municipalities
- The Supreme Court
- The High Court
- Lokpal