The second shift of UIICL AO 2016 is over. Hope all of you do well. Now, we are sharing some General Awareness Questions which was asked in second shift of the exam.
GK Questions Asked in UIICL AO 2016 Exam (2nd Shift)
1. White label ATM registerd under which act ?
Ans: Payment and Settlement Systems (PSS) Act 2007
2. Name of PM of Sri Lanka?
2. Name of PM of Sri Lanka?
Ans: Ranil Wickremesinghe
3. Academy Award for best movie?
Ans: Spotlight
4. Next Asian Games 2018 will be held in?
Ans: Jakarta, Indonesia
5. Winner of Italian Tennis Open?
5. Winner of Italian Tennis Open?
Ans: Serena Williams
6. Shatrujeet exercise concluded in?
6. Shatrujeet exercise concluded in?
Ans: Rajasthan
7. Youngest player to reach 10,000?
7. Youngest player to reach 10,000?
Ans: Alastair cook
8. Best Actress award at 63rd National Film Awards?
8. Best Actress award at 63rd National Film Awards?
Ans: Kangana Ranaut
9. What is the rate of Interest in Crop Insurance scheme?
9. What is the rate of Interest in Crop Insurance scheme?
Ans: 7%
10. SBI Partner with which cab?
Ans: Uber
11. BASEL Norms to be implemented in India by?
10. SBI Partner with which cab?
Ans: Uber
11. BASEL Norms to be implemented in India by?
Ans: March 31, 2019.
12. Pulitzer Prize Winner?
12. Pulitzer Prize Winner?
Ans: Associated Press
13. In context of banking, what does ‘BBB’ stands for?
Ans: Bank Board Bureau
14. Winner of Italian Tennis Open?
14. Winner of Italian Tennis Open?
Ans: Serena Williams
15. RBI Executive Director?
Ans: Deepak Singhal
16. Host of South Asian Games in 2018?
Ans: Kathmandu, Nepal
Ans: A new framework for companies options are NBFCs, private companies, public bank, etc.
18. Which airport operates on solar energy?
Ans: Cochin Airport
19. Best Actress award at 63rd National Film Awards?
Ans: Kangana Ranaut
20. White label ATM registerd under which act?
Ans: Payment and Settlement Systems (PSS) Act 2007
21. National Science Day observed on?
Ans: 28 February
22. Basel 3 extended upto?
Ans: January 1, 2019
23. In BASEL, what is the full form of CAR?
Ans: Capital Adequacy Ratio
24. Academy award for best movie?
Ans: Spotlight
25. Machia Biological Park situated at?
Ans: Rajasthan
26. Gyan sangam held in?
26. Gyan sangam held in?
Ans: State Bank Academy, Gurgaon
27. Which Investment and Finance Company dropped its plans to float a payments bank?
Ans: Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company