In each of these questions, two equations (I) and (II) are given. You have to solve both the equations and give answer
1) if x > y
2) if x < y
3) if x ≥ y
4) if x ≤ y
5) if x = y or relation cannot be established between 'x' and 'y'.
Before going to attempt these questions READ IT
Ques 1.
7X² – 33X + 20 = 0 ; 7Y² –+9Y -10 = 0
Solution :
==> 7X²-28X-5X+20=0
==>X=28/7 ; 5/7 = 4 ; 5/7
==>Y= -14/7 ; 5/7 = -2 ; 5/7
Ans : x ≥ y
==> 7X²-28X-5X+20=0
==>X=28/7 ; 5/7 = 4 ; 5/7
==>Y= -14/7 ; 5/7 = -2 ; 5/7
Ans : x ≥ y
Ques 2.
X² = 289 ; Y = (2197)^1/3
Solution :
==> X = +/- 17
==>Y = +13
Ans : x = y or relation cannot be established between 'x' and 'y'.
==> X = +/- 17
==>Y = +13
Ans : x = y or relation cannot be established between 'x' and 'y'.
Ques 3.
6X² -49X+99= 0 ; 5Y²+17Y+14= 0
Solution :
==> 6X²-27X-22X+99=0
==> X = 27/6 ; 22/3 = 11/3 ; 9/2
==> Y = -10/5 ; -7/5
Ans : x > y
==> 6X²-27X-22X+99=0
==> X = 27/6 ; 22/3 = 11/3 ; 9/2
==> Y = -10/5 ; -7/5
Ans : x > y
Ques 4.
5X² -52X+96= 0 ; 5Y²+3Y-36= 0
Solution :
==> 5X²-40X-12X+96=0
==>X = 40/5 ; 12/5 = 8 ; 12/5
==> 5Y²+15Y-12Y-36=0
==> Y = -15/3 ; 12/5 = -3 ; 12/5
Ans : x ≥ y
==> 5X²-40X-12X+96=0
==>X = 40/5 ; 12/5 = 8 ; 12/5
==> 5Y²+15Y-12Y-36=0
==> Y = -15/3 ; 12/5 = -3 ; 12/5
Ans : x ≥ y
Ques 5.
X² +10X+21= 0 ; Y²+2Y-8= 0
Solution :
==> X² +7X+3X+21=0
==> X = -7 ; -3
==> Y²+4Y-2Y-8=0
==> Y = -4 ; 2
Ans : x = y or relation cannot be established between 'x' and 'y'.
==> X² +7X+3X+21=0
==> X = -7 ; -3
==> Y²+4Y-2Y-8=0
==> Y = -4 ; 2
Ans : x = y or relation cannot be established between 'x' and 'y'.
Ques 6.
8X² -11X+3= 0 ; Y²-8Y+7=0= 0
Solution :
==> 8X²-8X-3X+3=0
==> X = 8/8 ; 3/8 = 1 ; 1/8
==> Y²--7Y-Y+7=0
==> Y = 1 ; 7
Ans : x ≤ y
==> 8X²-8X-3X+3=0
==> X = 8/8 ; 3/8 = 1 ; 1/8
==> Y²--7Y-Y+7=0
==> Y = 1 ; 7
Ans : x ≤ y