1. 1960
2. 1961
3. 1962
4. 1963
5. 1964
1. National Savings Patra
2. Krishi Vikas Patra
3. Indira Vikas Patra
4. Infrastructure Bonds
5. All of the above
3. Capital market is a market which deals in _________.
1. Short - term funds
2. Long- term funds
3. Gilt - edged securities
4. All of the above
5. None of the above
4. Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) fall within regulatory purview of _________.
1. Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
2. State Bank of India (SBI)
3. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
4. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)
5. None of the above
5. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) with its headquarters at _______ is the regulatory authority for all insurance companies in India including the Life Insurance Corporation of India.
1. Hyderabad
2. Bengaluru
3. Mumbai
4. Delhi
5. Lucknow
6. Mutual Funds fall within the supervisory purview of
1. Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
2. State Bank of India (SBI)
3. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRIDA)
4. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
5. None of these
7. Which of the following does not come under the category of Development Banks?
1. Industrial Development Bank if India
2. Export - import (Exim) Bank
3. Industrial Investment Bank of India
4. State Finance Corporation
5. Small Industries Development Bank of India
8. Main financial instruments of corporate sector are
(i) Shares
(ii) Debentures
(iii) Public Deposits
(iv) Loan from Institutions
Select the correct answer by using of the following codes
1. i and ii
2. ii and iii
3. iii and iv
4. i,ii and iv
5. All i, ii ,iii and iv
9. Financial institutions
1. mobilise savings
2. promote savings
3. allocate savings among different users
4. All of the above
5. None of the above
10. Which of the following is not an example of primary securities?
1. Bills
2. Bonds
3. New currency
4. Book debts
11. Indian Financial System comprises of
1. Scheduled Commercial Banks
2. Non- Banking Financial Institutions
3. Urban Cooperative Banks
4. Unorganised sectors
5. All of the above
12. The Bombay Stock Exchange came into being in the year of:
1. 1887
2. 1901
3. 1885
4. 1875
5. 1849
13. The Unit Trust of India come into existence in:
1. 1964
2. 1965
3. 1975
4. 1985
5. 1952
14. How many commercial banks were nationalized on 19 July 1969?
1. 13
2. 14
3. 15
4. 18
5. 22
15. How many nationalised banks working in India as on 2013?
1. 19
2. 24
3. 26
4. 28
5. 32
16. New Private Banks are being given licenses since
1. 1991
2. 1992
3. 1993
4. 1995
5. 2001
17. The gilt - edged market refers to the market for
(i) Government securities
(ii) Semi - government securities
(iii) Corporate securities
Select the correct answer
1. only i
2. i and ii
3. ii and iii
4. i,ii and iii
5. only iii
18. First share market in India was established in
1. Delhi
2. Kolkata
3. Mumbai
4. Hyderabad
5. Bengaluru
19. Consider the following statements:
(i) Securities that have an original maturity that is greater than one year traded in capital markets.
(ii) The best known capital market securities are stocks and bonds
Select the correct answer
1. (i) is true and (ii) is false
2.(i) is false and (ii) is true
3. Both are true
4. Both are false
5. None of the above
20. Consider the following statements:
(i). Securities that have an original maturity that is greater than one year are traded in money markets.
(ii). The best known money market securities are stocks and bonds
1. (i) is true and (ii) is false
2. (i) is false and (ii) is true
3. Both are true
4. Both are false
5. None of the above