Ans: Oscar Pistorius
2. Who is Father of Abul Fazal?
Ans: Shail Mubarak
3. Maximum thorium reserve in which country?
Ans: India
4. Who is the Euro Cup 2016 Winner?
Ans: Portugal
5. When did the French Revolution began?
Ans: 1789
6. United Nations was established in which year?
Ans: 24th Oct 1945
8. What is the full form of WEP?
Ans: Wired Equivalent Privacy
9. Which is called Quick Lime?
Ans: CaO (Calcium oxide)
10. What is the Unit of Radioactivity?
Ans: Curie
11. Morphology of chromosome can be best observed in which stage of cell division?
Ans: Metaphase stage
12. First viceroy who died in India?
Ans: Lord Mayo
13. Find the Odd One: Agra, Darjeeling, Ooty, Shimla
Ans: Agra
14. Bande Mataram song has taken from which Book?
Ans: Ananda Math
15. Which country allows human Euthanasia?
Ans: Netherlands
16. Which of the following range parallel to the Indian Coast Line?
Ans: Western Ghat
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