1. Super Nova is ......?
a. An asteroid
b. A dying star
c. A black Hole
d. A comet
2. Who of the following discovered the law of planetary orbits ?
a. Nicholas Copernicus
b. Issac Newton
c. Johannes Kepler
d. Galileo Galilei
3. Which planet looks reddish in the night sky ?
a. Saturn
b. Jupiter
c. Mercury
d. Mars
4. A star which appears blue is ..........?
a. As hot as the sun
b. Cooler than the sun
c. Hotter than the sun
d. None
5. Which of the following is largest of inner planet ?
a. Earth
b. Venus
c. Mars
d. Mercury
6. Which of the following planet is near to Earth ?
a. Venus
b. Jupiter
c. Mars
d. Mercury
7. Which planet is known as the Earth's twin ?
a. Venus
b. Jupiter
c. Mars
d. Mercury
8. The solar corona mainly consists of
a. Gases
b. Ice
c. Molten Lava
d. Cosmic Rays
9. If there is no sun , the color of the sky would be .....?
a. Black
b. Orange
c. Blue
d. Yellow
10. The outermost layer of the sun is called ...?
a. Photosphere
b. Corona
c. Convection Zone
d. Chromosphere
Answers :
1. A dying star
2. Johannes Kepler
4. Hotter than the sun
5. Earth
6. Venus
7. Venus
8. Molten Lava
9. Black
10. Corona