- Place which is termed as Egg bowl of India - Namakkal in Tamil Nadu
- State which is termed as Egg bowl of India - Andhra Pradesh
- IOB - First to launch Indian Gold coins
- PNB - Highest record of grasping INDIAN GOLD SCHEMEs
- 'Grand Old Lady of Indian Nationalism' - AnieBasent
- 'Mother of Indian National Movement' - Madam Bhikkaji Kama
- 'Lady with lamp' – Florescent Nightangle
- Nosmoke city - Kohima
- No liquor village - Kachabali, Rajasthan.
- First MissIndia –Priyadarshani
- First Indian Mr.Universe - ManoharAich
- Tuberculosis Research Center Situated at – Chennai (T.n)
- National Tuberculosis Institute Situated - Bangalore (Karnataka)
- TCS –Opened All women IT PARK.
- WIPRO –Opened All women IT HUB
- NSE - National Stock Exchange Chairman - Ashok chawla
- BSE - Bombay stock exchange - SudhakarRao
- RBS - To close its retail banking business.
- RBL - The first bank to open dedicated branch for START-UPS in Bengaluru.
- Neptune was discovered by - Johann Galle
- Uranus was discovered by - William Herschel
- Pakistan capital - Islamabad
- Afghanistan capital - Kabul
- Iran currency - Riel (Check Both Spelling in Examination )
- Saudi - Riyal
- DCB Bank - The bank which opened its AADHAR-CARD enabled ATM's.
- DBS Bank - The first MOBILE-ONLY BANK of India.
- Silviculture - Forest Planting
- Olericulture - Science of vegetable growing