- Lothal (Site) situated at – Gujarat
- Kalibangan (Site ) situated at - Rajasthan
- Banawali (Site) situated at - Haryana
- Largest producer of tea in india– Assam
- Largest producer of Coffee in India - Karnataka
- Nick name of Jaisalmen - Golden City
- Nick name of Jaipur - Pink City
- Nick name of Jodhpur - Sun city
- Gas used in electric bulbs – Argon
- Gas used in flurescent lamps - Mercury Vapour
- Aeroplane Fly in –Statosphere
- Unmanned Sound Rocket - Mesosphere
- Planet with longest day - Venus
- Planet with shortest day - Jupiter
- Statue of Gomateswar - Sharaanbelagola , Karnataka
- Statue of UgraNarsimha - Hampi , Karnatak
- Total Member signed to the constitution of India - 284
- Total Member were in the Constituent Assembly - 389
- Headquarter of UNESCO – PARIS
- Headquarter of UNICEF - New York
- Parushini - A Rigvedic river also known as Ravi
- Prishadavati - A Rigvedic river also known as Ghaggar
- Speed of Light Waves - 3*10^8 m/s
- Speed of Sound - 332 m/sec'
- National Library of India - Kolkata
- State Central Library - Kerala
- First Lady Governor of Indian State was - SmtSarojini Naidu
- First Chief Minister of State - SmtSuchetaKriplani
- Tocopherol - Is a form of Vitamin E
- Retinol - Is a form of Vitamin A
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