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Errors spotting in English Language - Part 17

Published on Saturday, September 17, 2016
error spotting in english language

Directions :

In each of the following questions,find out which part of the sentence has no error. if there is no mistake, the answer is "No error'.
1. The Hindi  and the  Marathi are (a) /  different forms of the sanskrit  language ,(b) /  which  were once  spoken (c) / in almost  every part of India (d)/ No error (e).

2. The Committee Chief Warned the party  members (a) / that if  persist (b) / in their obstructionist attitude (c)/ they would be suspended (d) / No error (e)

3. More  widely popular (a) / than the hunting of deer or fox (b) /  were the pursuit of the here (c) / No error (e).

4. If i know (a) / that my  friend had planned to visit  the know today. (b) / I would have made his stay comfortable (c) /  No error (d).

5. The future is (a) / yet to come (b) / but you have a (c) /  right to shape it (d)/ No error (e).

6. He won't return  the money (a) /  that he borrowed (b) /  will he ? (c) /  No error (d).

7. The foremost criterion  of selection we adopted (a)/  were the number of years of training (b) / a dancer had received (c) / under a particular  guru (d) / No error (e).

8. The chief idea of (a)/ a very common type of traveller (b) / is to see as many (c) /  objects of interest as he possibly could (d)/ No error (e).

9. When the dentist came in (a)/ my tooth was stopped aching (b) / out of fear that I might lose  my tooth (C) / No error (d).

10. Rohan was leading (a) / a happy and leisurely (b) / life after  his retirement (c) / from service (d)/ No error (e).

11. One of the drawbacks (a) / of modern  education are (b) /  that it does not encourage original thinking (c) / No error (d).

12. The child (a) / picked up a burned paper (b) / from  the street (c) / no error (d).

13. Many a student (a)/ are frustrated (b) / because of unemployment (c)/ No error (d).

14. Since it was his first election campaign , the candidate was confused ; (a)/ none could clearly understand (b) / either the principles he stood for o the benefits he promised (c) / No error (d).

15. As much as I admire him for his sterling qualities (a)/  I cannot excuse him (b) / for being  unfair to his friends (c) / No error (e).


1. Replace 'were' by 'was'

2. Replace 'persist' by 'persisted'

3. Replace 'were' by 'was'

4. No error 

5. Replace 'is' by 'has'

6. Replace 'will' by would'

7. Replace 'were' by 'was'

8. Replace 'could' by 'can'

9. Remove 'was'

10. Replace 'was' by 'is'

11. Replace 'are' by 'is'

12. Replace 'burned' by 'burnt'

13. Replace 'are' by 'is' Many  a takes singular subject and singular verb

14. No error

15. Replace 'as much as' by ' howsoever much' 

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Ramandeep Singh

Ramandeep Singh - Educator

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