Ques 1.
What are the targets fixed in Sansaad Adarsh Gram Yojna ?
Ques 2.
Ques 3.
What is the maximum & minimum permissible investment in Sovereign Gold Bond scheme ?
Ques 4.
What will be the tenor of sovereign gold bonds?
Ques 5.
What is the rate of Interest on the Sovereign Gold Bond Secheme ( SGB) for public ?
Ques 6.
What is the min deposit for Gold Monetisation Scheme ?
Ques 7.
What are the various terms bank deposits under GMS scheme ?
Ques 8.
What about the principal & interest under GMS scheme ?
Ques 9.
What is PRAGATI Active Governance & Time Implementation ?
Ques 10.
Pragati Day will be fixed on
Ques 11.
What is Hayabusa 2?
Ques 12.
Jal Yukta Abhiyan -to make 5000 villages free of water scarcity ever year& making state as Drought free started by....
Ques 13.
What is MANAS ?
Ques 14.
Ques 14.
Amendment 13 relates to
Ques 15.
What is the aim of Digital India Programme ?
Ques 16.
What is the estimated cost of Digital India ?
Ques 17.
What is Nairoshni
Ques 18.
What is the tenure for which the Startups will be exempted from income tax ?
Ques 19.
What % on capital gains made on investment by entrepreneurs after selling own asset as well as govt recognised venture capitalist will be exempted ?
Ques 20.
Under startup plan easy exit options will be provided under the bankuptcy act so that start ups can exit _____-days ?
Ques 21.
what will b the initial corpus for startup plan ?
Ques 22.
What is Bhartvani Project ?
Solutions :
1.To develop one village as Model village by 2016 & 3 by 2019
2. Jayapur in Distt. Varanasi in 2015 7 Nagepur in 2016
3. Min-2 gms Max -not more than 500gms per person per fiscal year
4. 8 year with exit option from 5th yr to b exercised on the interest payment dates
5. 2.75% per annum
6. Raw gold equivalent to 30 gms of gold of 99.5% pure
7. Short term bank deposit ( 1-3 yrs), medium (5-7yrs(. long term (12-15 yrs)
8. It will be denominated into gold
9. It is a multipurpose & multi model programme to address the grievances of the common man & simultaneously monitoring implementation of Govt projects & programmes
10. 4th Wednesday of every Month
11. Space probe of Japan sent on Asteroid
12. Maharashtra
13. It was started by Minority Affairs Ministry , for providing skills, upgrading ability & training Minority's Communities .
14. Sri Lanka
15. Government services are available to the citizens electronically and people get all the latest information and benefits of technology
16. Rs 113000cr
17. The scheme targets the minority women in the age group of 18 to 65 yrs with the family income of less than 2.5 lacs per annum, to instill confidence among women by providing knowledge .
18. First 3 years
19. 20%
20. 90 days
21. Rs. 2500 crore
22. This was launched UGC, where knowledge in all Indian language will be collected and disseminated .