# 1.
- Polio Vaccines was discovered by – Jonas E Salk
- Oral Polio Vaccines was discovered by – Albert Bruce Sabin
# 2.
- Nilgiri hill – A Residual or Dissected Mountains
- Himalayas (Asia ) – A Fold mountain
# 3.
- Chemical Name of Epsom salt – Magnesium Sulphate
- Chemical Name of Glauber’s Salt – Sodium sulphate decahydrate
# 4.
- Largest Flower – Rafflesia
- Largest Flower in India – Sapria
# 5.
- Red Colour Glass contains – Copper oxide (CuO)
- Ruby Red colour Glass contains – Goldchloride (AuCl3)
# 6.
- The three Musketeers ( A book wrote by ) – Alexandre Dumas
- The three Mistakes ( A Book wrote by ) – Chetan Bhagat
# 7.
- The Heart of India – Wrote by Mark Tully
- A Passage to India – Wrote by EM Forster
# 8.
- INSAS (Full form) – Indian Small Arms System
- INSAT (Full form) – Indian National Satellite
# 9.
- Monomers of Nylon 6,6 – Adipic acid + Hexamethylene diamine
- Monomers of Nylon 6 or Perlon - Caprolactum
# 10.
- ECG ( Electro Cardio gram ) – William Einthoven
- EEG ( Electroencephalogram ) – Hans Berger
# 11.
- Feature of Tropical Wet Evergreen – Dense forest , tall trees
- Feature of Tropical Dry Evergreen - Presence of Canopy , low height about 9-12 m
# 12.
- Intensity of Shaking is measured on the Modified – Mercalli Scale
- Intensity of Earthquake waves is recorded by – Seismograph
# 13.
- India Reforms Association – Founded by Keshab Chandra Sen
- Madras Hindu Association – Founded by Verisalingam Pantah
Cyclones of the world –
- Tropical Cyclone – Indian Ocean
- Hurricanes – Caribbean Sea
- Tornadoes – USA
- Willy Willies – Northern Australia