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Number Series Asked in RBI Grade B Manager (Phase-I) Exam - 04.09.2016 (1st Shift)

Published on Sunday, September 04, 2016
Directions (Q.1 -5): In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number. 

1. 18.3        20.6        16       22.9        13.7        2.2       11.4
a) 25.2
b) 18.3
c) 13.7
d) 22.9
e) 20.6

2. 9        5        6        10.5        23        61        183
a) 183
b) 10.5
c) 61
d) 5
e) 9 

3. 188        154        140       132       128       126       125
a) 125
b) 154
c) 132
d) 126
e) 188 

4. 2        4        11        37        151        771        4633
a) 11
b) 4633
c) 771
d) 151
e) 2 

5. 391        394        399       411        431       461        503
a) 503
b) 394
c) 399
d) 431
e) 391 


1. a) 25.2

18.3 + 2.3 = 20.6
20.6 - 4.6 = 16
16 + 6.9 = 22.9
22.9 - 9.2 = 13.7
13.7 +11.5 = 25.2
25.2 - 13.8 = 11.4

2. c) 61

9*0.5 + 0.5 = 5
5*1 + 1 = 6
6*1.5 + 1.5 = 10.5
10.5*2 + 2 = 23
23*2.5 + 2.5 = 60
60*3 + 3 = 183

3. e) 188

186 - 36 = 154
154 - 16 = 140
140 - 8 = 132
132 - 4 = 128
128 - 2 = 126
126 - 1 = 125

4. d) 151

2*1 + 2 = 4
4*2 + 3 = 11
11*3 + 4 = 37
37*4 + 5 = 153
153*5 + 6 = 771
771*6 + 7 = 4633

5. b) 394 

391 + 2 = 393
393 + 6 = 399
399 + 12 = 441
441+ 20 = 431
431 + 30 = 461
461 +40 = 503

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Ramandeep Singh

Ramandeep Singh - Educator

I'm Ramandeep Singh, your guide to banking and insurance exams. With 14 years of experience and over 5000 successful selections, I understand the path to success firsthand, having transitioned from Dena Bank and SBI. I'm passionate about helping you achieve your banking and insurance dreams.

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