Ans: Energy is Absorbed
2. When a computer prints a report, this output is called ________.
Ans: Hard Copy
3. A money Bill passes by the LokSabha is deemed to have been passed by the RajyaSabha also when no action is taken by the Upper House within ___________.
Ans: 14 Days
4. Who received Farman from the Mughal Court for conducting trade in 1618?
Ans: Sir Thomas Roe
5. For which bill(s), there is no constitutional provision for a joint sitting of both the Houses of the Parliament to resolve a deadlock?
Ans: Constitutional Amendment Bill & Money Bill
6. During whose rule did maximum Mongol invasion took place?
Ans: Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
7. With which sport/game is Sultan of Johar Cup associated?
Ans: Hockey
8. What happens when the interest rate in the economy increases?
Ans: Lending decreases
9. With which sport/game is Hopman Cup associated?
Ans: Lawn Tennis
10. Who enunciated the law of planetary motion?
Ans: Johannes Kepler
11. What is the present name of Kalinga?
Ans: Odisha
12. During which decade did the population of India record a negative growth rate?
Ans: 1911-1921
13. Which is the only country in the world whose postage stamps do not bear its name?
Ans: United Kingdom
14. Which type of coal is most suitable for the generation of thermal power?
Ans: Anthacite
15. When and where was the Muslim League found?
Ans: 1906, Dhaka
16. Where in India did the French establish their first factory?
Ans: Surat
17. Which Delhi Sultan, for the first time, set up administrative system for the Sultanate?
Ans: Shams-ud-din Iltutmish
18. Which planet among the Earth, Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter moves with the lowest intensity?
Ans: Saturn
19. In which colour does an astronaut view the sky away from the Sun in Space?
Ans: Black
20. Guru Gobind Singh was born at a place situated near ________.
Ans: Patna