1. (A) To evolve a shared vision of national development/(B) priorities,sectors and strategy with the active/(C) involvement of States in the light of national objective./(D) No error
2. (A) The ninth plan launched in/(B) the fifth year of India's independence aimed at/(C) achieved a targeted GDP growth rate of seven percent./(D) no error
3. (A) The involvement of the community in planning,/(B) execution and monitoring of the developmental/(C) programmes are imperative for planning and implementation./(D) No error
4. (A) Rural development imply/(B) both the economic/(C) development and social transformation./(D) No error
5. (A) The Resource blocks initiated during/(B) the year 2012-13 have shown impressing/(C) results in terms of quality of community institutions./(D) No error
6. (A) The ministry has been actively/(B) encouraging use of local available /(C) construction material as well as new technologies./(D) No error
7. (A) Mutually beneficial working relationship/(B) and formal platforms for consultations/(C) among PRIs and institutions of the poor need to be facilitated./(D) No error
8. (A) The policy envisages integrating/(B) land use and transport planning,/(C) significant improvements in public transport./(D) No error
9. (A) The needs of the specific users/(B) are take care by the National Atlas/(C) and Thematic Mapping organisation./(D) No error
10. (A) The programme relating to/(B) nuclear power and nuclear fuel/(C) cycles have been built on the multidisciplinary R&F infrastructure of the department./(D) No error
1. B; strategies should be used in place of strategy.
2. C; achieving should be used in place of achieved.
3. C; is should be used instead of are.
4. A; implies should be used.
5. B; impressive should be used instead of impressing.
6. B; locally should be used.
7. C; between should be used instead of among.
8. A; integrated should be used instead of integrating.
9. B; Taken care of is the correct form.
10. C; has been will be used instead of have been.