1. He frequently goes back on his words.
a. repeats his words
b. confuses others
c. stumbles
d. breaks his promise
2. I cannot make out what you say.
a. rely upon
b. believe
c. understand
d. solve
3. The officer wanted to stave off an open battle.
a. postpone
b. wait and see
c. allow to take its own course
d. prevent
4. No one but his conscience advised him to come back to earth.
a. return home
b. return to earth
c. return to reality
d. be honest
5. Rakesh takes after his parents.
a. follows
b. imitates
c. obeys
d. resembles
6. The country's economy has begun to look up now.
a. remain static
b. improve
c. look clear
d. go down
7. He cannot put up with his nasty son.
a. control
b. endure
c. forgive
d. appreciate
8. To look quickly through a book is an important study skill.
a. to skim
b. to summarise
c. to outline
d. to paraphrase
9. As she was turning out some papers she came across the information she had been searching for.
a. saw from distance
b. found unexpectedly
c. touched
d. read quickly
10. She tries very hard to keep up with her rich neighbours.
a. to imitate
b. to keep touch
c. to avoid
d. to be on par
1. d. breaks his promise
2. c. understand
3. c. allow to take its own course
4. a. return home
5. d. resembles
6. b. improve
7. b. endure
8. b. to summarise
9. b. found unexpectedly
10. a. to imitate