1. Quandary: आशंका
Meaning: State of being uncertain
Synonyms: Dilemma, Plight, Stew, Fix
Antonyms: Certainty, Boon, Solution,
2. Vie: प्रतियोगिता करना
Meaning: compete eagerly with someone
Synonyms: Jostle, Grapple, Compete, Feud
Antonyms: Assist, Support, Give up, Retreat
Usage: In the championship trophy, the two teams will vie for the title.
3. Spurn: अस्वीकार करना
Meaning: reject with disdain
Synonyms: Contempt, Rebuff, Scorn, Repudiate
Antonyms: Sanction, Approve, Ascend, Embrace
Usage: I’ll never understand why did my cousin choose to spurn the chance to join us.
4. Relegate: पीछे करना
Meaning: Assign an inferior rank
Synonyms: Demote, Degrade, Disrate, Bust
Antonyms: Upgrade, Promote, Repatriate, Harbour
Usage: If you don’t want your manager to relegate you to the status of unemployed, you’d better obey him.
5. Glean: बीनना
Meaning: To obtain from various sources
Synonyms: Derive, Extract, Cull, Gather
Antonyms: Disperse, Separate, Dissipate, Spend
Usage: I was not able to glean much information from his files.