1. Speaking to condition for
2. Speaking to condition for
3. Speaking for condition in
4. Speaking on condition of
5. No correction required
2. India won the match fair and square.
1. fare and squarely
2. fairly and square
3. fairly and squarely
4. fair square
5. No correction required
3. Came what may, he never missed a single meeting.
1. Came what may
2. Come what may
3. Came what may
4. Came what may
5. No correction required
4. A good artist never lets anyone sneaks a peek at his masterpiece before it was completed.
1. Sneaks a peeking
2. Sneaking a peek
3. Sneak a peeks
4. Sneak a peak
5. No correction required
5. It is reliable to learn that there is not substantial evidence to prove his innocence
1. is reliably innocence
2. learn to reliable
3. reliable to learning
4. has been reliable learning
5. No correction required
2. No correction required
3. Come what may
4. Sneak a peak
5. No correction required
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Answer :
1. Speaking on condition of2. No correction required
3. Come what may
4. Sneak a peak
5. No correction required