The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released an important notice regarding SSC CHSL (10+2) 2016 (Tier-I) Examination. Candidates are strictly advised to desist from bringing bags, mobile phones and prohibited items into the examination venue. Notice is given below:
1. Prohibited items, such as watches, books, pens, paper chits, magazines, electronic gadgets (mobile phones, Bluetooth devices, head phones, pen/buttonhole cameras, scanner, calculator, storage devices etc) are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED in the examination lab. If any such item is found in the possession of a candidate in the examination lab, his/her candidature liable to be cancelled and legal/criminal proceedings could be initiated against him/her. He/she would also liable to be debarred from appearing in future examinations of the Commission for a period of 3 years.
Click Here To Download the Notice