- First bank in India- Bank of Hindustan (1770)
- First
- First Bank managed by Indians- Oudh Commercial Bank
- First Bank with Indian Capital- Punjab National Bank (Founder of the Bank is Lala Lajpat Rai)
- First Bank which is purely managed by Indians - Punjab National Bank
- First Foreign Bank in India – Grindlays Bank
- First bank to get ISO certificate – Canara Bank
- First Indian bank outside India –Bank of India
- First Bank to introduce ATM – HSBC (1987, Mumbai)
- First Bank to have a joint-stock public bank (Oldest) – Allahabad Bank
- First Universal bank – ICICI (Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India)
- First bank to introduce saving account – Presidency Bank (1833)
- First Bank to Introduce Cheque system – Bengal Bank (1833)
- First Bank in India that was established and managed by an Indian Board - Central Bank of India
- First Ever Truly Swadeshi Bank of the country - Central Bank of India
- First bank to give internet banking facility – ICICI
- First bank to sell mutual funds – State Bank of India
- First bank to issue credit cards - Central Bank of India
- First Digital Bank - Digibank
- First Rural Regional Bank (Grameen Bank) – Prathama Bank (sponsored by Syndicate Bank)
- First bank to get ‘in principle’ banking license – IDFC and Bandhan Bank
- First Bank to introduce merchant banking in India – Grind lays bank
- First bank to introduce blockchain technology – ICICI
- First bank to introduce voice biometric – Citi Bank
- First bank to introduce robot in banking service- HDFC
- First Indian Bank to open an overseas branch - Bank of India
Miscellaneous points:
- Largest public sector bank in India – State Bank of India
- Largest private sector bank in India – HDFC Bank
- Largest foreign bank in India – Standard Chartered Bank
- Bank with more branches in India – State Bank of India