A library keeps textbooks, novels, newspapers and journals. So, readers can keep themselves equipped with the latest innovations and current events. All the readers are expected to abide by the rules of a library.
Poor students who cannot afford books, a library is a boon for them. Thus, a library renders a great help to such students.
A library has been revolutionized by the internet. The Internet has improved facilities in a library.
Example: It is difficult to care people experiencing mental distress.
Synonym: anguish, suffering, pain, agony, ache
Example: Do you have internet access?
Synonym: the opportunity to use, permission to use
Example: The third floor is the treasure house for the art lovers.
Synonym: coffers, repository
Example: Schools are an asset to the community
Synonym: benefit, advantage, blessing, good point
Example:We should have spare time for our hobbies.
Example: These journals are scholarly.
Synonym: academic, educational, scholastic, professorial
Example: I don't think he is equipped for the modern age.
Synonym: prepare, qualify, suit, endow
Example: He is always open to new ideas and innovations
Example: I said I would abide by their decision.
Synonym: comply with, obey, observe, follow, keep to
A library has been revolutionized by the internet. The Internet has improved facilities in a library.
Meaning: Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or painExample: It is difficult to care people experiencing mental distress.
Synonym: anguish, suffering, pain, agony, ache
Meaning: The right or opportunity to use or benefit from somethingExample: Do you have internet access?
Synonym: the opportunity to use, permission to use
Treasure house
Meaning: A place for keeping valuable objectsExample: The third floor is the treasure house for the art lovers.
Synonym: coffers, repository
Meaning: A useful or valuable thing or personExample: Schools are an asset to the community
Synonym: benefit, advantage, blessing, good point
Spare time
Meaning: Leisure or free timeExample:We should have spare time for our hobbies.
Meaning: Involving or relating to serious academic studyExample: These journals are scholarly.
Synonym: academic, educational, scholastic, professorial
Meaning: Prepare (someone) mentallyExample: I don't think he is equipped for the modern age.
Synonym: prepare, qualify, suit, endow
Meaning: A new method, idea, product, etc.Example: He is always open to new ideas and innovations
Abide by
Meaning: Accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation)Example: I said I would abide by their decision.
Synonym: comply with, obey, observe, follow, keep to
Meaning: Have enough money to pay forExample: He is unable to afford a new computer.
Synonym: pay for, bear the expense of
Meaning: A thing that is helpful or beneficialExample: High oil prices a boon to energy-producing regions.
Synonym: blessing, godsend, bonus, good thing
Meaning: Provide or give (a service, help, etc.)Example: She always renders help to the needy.
Synonym: supply, furnish, make available, contribute
Meaning: Change (something) radically or fundamentallyExample: New theory will revolutionize the whole of science.
Synonym: transform, alter dramatically, transfigure