- PSBs: Public Sector Banks
- SNBCs: Schedule Non-Commercial Banks
- SENSEX: Sensitive Index Of Stock Exchange
- GNP: Gross National Product
- GDP: Gross Domestic Product
- GVA: Gross Value Added
- KYC: Know Your Customer
- RTGS: Real Time Gross Settlement
- NEFT: National Electronic Money Transfer
- EFT: Electronic Fund Transfer
- CBS: Core Banking Solutions
- LIBOR: London Interbank Offered Rate
- MIBOR: Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate
- MIBID: Mumbai Interbank Bid Rate
- SARFAESI: Securitization and Reconstruction Of Financial Assets and Enforcement Of Security Interest
- CAR: Capital Adequacy Ratio
- FIIs: Foreign Institutional Investments
- FDI: Foreign Direct Investment
- IPO: Initial Public Offering
- MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
- ALM: Asset Liability Management
- INFINET: Indian Financial Network
- OLTAS: On-line Tax Accounting System for Direct Taxes
- TIN: Tax Information Network
- IMPS: Interbank Mobile Payment Service or Immediate Payment Service
- CDR: Corporate Debt Restructuring
- CAD: Capital Account Deficit
- REIT: Real Estate Investment Trusts
- BIRD: Bankers Institute Of Rural Development
- IBA: Indian Bank Association
- BPLR: Benchmark Prime Lending Rate
- ICICI: Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation Of India
- HDFC: Housing Development Finance Corporation
- SWOT: Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
- SWIFT: Society For Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
- FERA: Foreign Exchange Regulatory Act
- FEMA: Foreign Exchange Management Act
- CASA: Current and Saving Account
- NDTL: Net Demand and Time Liabilities
- NASDAQ: National Association For Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
- CRISIL: Credit Rating and Investment Services India Limited
- CIBIL: Credit Information Bureau Of India Limited
- NAV: Net Asset Value
- ICRA: Indian Credit Rating Agency
- CARE: Credit Analysis & Research Limited
- WMAs: Ways & Means Advances
- InvITs: Infrastructure Investment Trusts
- ALM- Asset Liability Management
- ASBA: Application Supported by Blocked Amount
- PIN: Personal Identification Number
- CCEA: Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
- CECA: Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
- CEPA: Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
- DTAA: Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement
- ECBs: External Commercial Borrowings
- EFSF: European Financial Stability Facility
- FINO: Financial Inclusion Network Operation
- FIPB: Foreign Investment Promotion board
- FSLRC: Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission
- CRAR: Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio
- LCR: Liquidity Coverage Ratio
- TARC: Tax Administration Reform Commission
- GIRO: Government Internal Revenue Order
- FRBMA: Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act
- AMFI: Association of Mutual Fund in India.
- TIEA: Tax Information exchange Agreement
- GAAR: General anti avoidance rule
- GSLV: Geo-Synchronous Launch Vehicle
- PPP: Public Private Partnership and Purchasing Power parity
- PSLV: Polar Satellite Launch vehicle
- TAPI: Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India.
- QFI: Qualified Foreign Investors
- AD: Authorized Dealer.
- ASSOCHAM: Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India.
- BCSBI: Banking Codes and Standards Board of India.
- BIS: Bank for International Settlements.
- CDS: Credit Default Swap.
- CEPA: Comprehensive Economic Partnership Management.
- FIMMDA: Fixed Income Money MARKETS and Derivatives Association.
- FPI: Foreign Portfolio Investment.
- IBRD: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
- UIDAI: Unique Identification Development Authority of India.