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New Pattern English Quiz For IBPS PO: Part 5

Published on Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Direction(1-10): In the passage given below words are given in bold, each followed by a number given in the brackets. Every word in bold has five alternatives. Find the word which best suits the place. If the given word suits the blank, mark 'no correction/change required' as the answer.
The dramatic assassination in Malaysia last month of North Korean Kim Jong -nam by the chemical agent VX, which was almost certainly improvised (1) by
elements within the North Korean state, adds another layer to questions about making sponsoRs of chemical attacks accountable. The ease with which deadly chemicals can be transported across state bordeRs, as demonstrated by the assault, gives further peRsistence elements within the North Korean state, adds another layer to questions about making sponsoRs of chemical attacks accountable. The ease with which deadly chemicals can be transported across state bordeRs, as demonstrated by the assault, gives further peRsistence adds another layer to questions about making sponsoRs of chemical attacks accountable. The ease with which deadly chemicals can be transported across state bordeRs, as demonstrated by the assault, gives further peRsistence (2). This is not to try to equate a political assassination with a military attack using chemical weapons. The fact remains, however, that the 1992 Chemical Weapons Convention has succeeded in only partly making their use utterly odious (3); their use is beyond the pale but will not alter the couRse of history in the manner that we expect will follow a nuclear explosion. Quite simply, there is a fairly strong norm governing the non-use of nuclear weapons; the norm against the use of chemical and biological weapons is still escalating (4). Despite being banned, chemical weapons have not gone away. They have lay (5) up frequently in Syria and Iraq, where their recent use has been attributed to the Islamic State. The murder of Kim Jong-nam was the stuff of a spy thriller: two young women approached the lucid (6) half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and poisoned him with VX, a nerve agent so deadly that a drop on exposed skin is lethal. The execution was jejune (7) in its simplicity: the women delivering the VX were apparently duped into believing they were taking part in a reality TV prank. This was, however, not out of the pages of a spy thriller, but from the playbook of a regime that appeaRs not to fear the consequences of using an internationally banned chemical substance for a political assassination on foreign soil. Analogous (8) methods might be employed to use other chemical and biological weapons by other playeRs. If a roughly similar attack were carried out against Indians, whether military peRsonnel, politicians or indeed civilians, how would New Delhi define “major”? This is, of couRse, assuming India could definitely force (9) the blame on a state. It might be worth airheaded (10) that Bashar al-Assad used the nerve agent sarin against civilians in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta in August 2013, killing over 1,400 people. And yet, former President Barack Obama, having famously invoked a ‘red line’ about the movement of chemical weapons in the region in unprepared remarks a year earlier, eventually stepped back from a military response to that attack.

1) Find out the appropriate word in each case.
a) Maintained
b) Orchestrated
c) DispeRsed
d) Hit and miss
e) No correction required

2) Find out the appropriate word in each case.
a ) Continuity
b) Stir
c) Pause
d) Get along
e) No correction required

3) Find out the appropriate word in each case.
a) Reprehensible
b) Creditable
c) Censures
d ) Noble
e) No correction required

4) Find out the appropriate word in each case.
a) Sever
b) Dissever
c) Carve up
d) Coalescing.
e) No correction required

5) Find out the appropriate word in each case.
a) Cropped
b) Conceal
c) Coagulate
d) Overlook
e) No correction required

6) Find out the appropriate word in each case.
a) Estranged
b) Chummy
c) Comradely
d) Reconciled
e) No correction required

7) Find out the appropriate word in each case.
a) Stodgy
b) Grisly
c) Breathtaking
d) Stupendously
e) No correction required

8) Find out the appropriate word in each case.
a) Disparate
b) Kindred
c) Incongruent
d) Lopsided
e) No correction required

9) Find out the appropriate word in each case.
a) Unpins
c) Pin
d) Detach
e) No correction required

10) Find out the appropriate word in each case.
a) repatriating
b )Recalling
c) Woolgathering
e) No correction required

11)  The attack on a small group of Africans in Greater Noida, (A)/ a suburb of the national capital located in Uttar Pradesh, (B)/ have once again thrown a spotlight on a disturbing trend in the country: (C)/ mob violence, and specifically the targeting of persons of African origin in many of these instances.(D) / No error (E)

12)  The Lok Sabha has duly given its assent (A)/ to necessary Central legislation to operationalise the Goods and Services Tax, (B)/ nearly 17 years after the government began discussions (C)/on the prospects for a united indirect tax regime across the country.(D) / No error (E)

13)  Six months from now,(A) /43 cities will be mainstreamed on India’s flight connectivity grid, (B)/ an outcome of the Udan scheme (C)/launched to spur regional flights covering distances up to 800 km. (D)/ No error (E)

14) The Supreme Court’s oral observations on Monday (A)/regarding the use of Aadhaar numbers by the government are significant, (B) /for they alter the narrative and potential scope (C)/of the ambitious unique identification program. (D) /no error (E)

15)  The Finance Ministry’s unequivocal missive to 10 state-owned lenders (A)/ to submit time-bound turnaround plans, or forsake(B) /any further capital infusion from the government, (C)/ is a small as well as timely step in the right direction. (D)./ No error (E)


1) (b)orchestrated -to arrange or manipulate, especially by means of clever or thorough planning or maneuvering ( योजना बनाना )

2) (c ) pause – stop, cease ( ठहराव )

3) (a) reprehensible- deserving of reproof, rebuke, or censure; blameworthy (निन्दा, दोषारोपण करने योग्य )

4) (d)coalescing - come together to form one mass or whole. (संगठित होना )

5) (a) cropped up - to happen or appear unexpectedly ( सामने आना )

6) (a) estranged- no longer friendly; alienated (विरक्त , परायाना )

7) ( c) breathtaking - extremely exciting, beautiful, or surprising ( असाधारण , विस्मयकारी )

8) (e) no correction required

9) ( c ) pin the blame on - to frame someone for a crime; to make it appear that an innocent peRson has actually committed a crime

10) ( b) recalling- bring (a fact, event, or situation) back into one's mind; remember (याद करना , स्मरण करना )

11)error:”have” correct :”has”

12)error:”united” correct :”unified”

13) no error

14) error:”program” correct:”programme”

15) error:”as well as” correct :”yet”
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