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Learn Vocabulary With Root Words Day 11

Published on Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Learn Vocabulary With Root Words Day 11

In this article, we learn how we can improve our vocabulary easily by developing tricks. We make use of a technique known as ETYMOLOGY.

Etymon (roots) + logy (study of) = etymology

Review of Etymology: 

Prefix, Root, Suffix Meaning
Par Equal
-ment Act of, result
-ity Pertaining to
Dis- Negative prefix
Con-,com- With, together
Aequus (equ-) Equal
Vox, vocis Voice
-ate Cause or make
-ion Act of, state of, result
-ous Adjective suffix
Ambi- Both, around, about
-er One who
-guous Do, move, go


Ends with ity, ty = noun
Ends with ous = adjective
Ends with tion = noun
Ends with ment = noun
Ends with ate = verb

Trick to learn words:

  • Accidentally vague (wandering around) = ambi (wandering around) + guous (do, move, go) = ambiguous
  • Purposely vague (not clearly expressed) or ambiguous = equ (equal) + vocal (voice) = equivocal or ambiguous
  • Equality = par (equal) + ity (pertaining to) = parity
  • Lack of equality = dis (against) + par (equal) + ity (pertaining to) = disparity
  • Belittlement = dis (against) + par (equal) + ment (act of, result) = disparagement
  • Capable of only one interpretation = un (negative prefix) + equi (equal) + vocal (voice) = unequivocal
  • Essentially or widely unequal or different = dis (against) + par (equal) + ate (cause or make) = disparate
  • One’s equal in age, rank, etc. = par (equal) + er (one who) = peer
  • To use words in a calculated effort to mislead or to be ambiguous = equi (equal) + vocis (vocal) + ate (cause or make) = equivocate
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Ramandeep Singh

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