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Vocabulary With Root Words: Day 9

Published on Thursday, July 13, 2017
Learn Vocabulary With Root Words For IBPS PO: Day 9


In this article, we learn how we can improve our vocabulary easily by developing tricks. We make use of a technique known as ETYMOLOGY.

Review of Etymology:

Prefix, Root, Suffix
Ana-, a-
Negative prefix
With, together
Negative prefix
Science, study
Syn-, sym-
With, together
Verb suffix
Disease, suffering, feeling
En-, em-
Pertaining to
Pertaining to
condition or quality of 
a person who practices, is expert in
System, manner, condition
To make (like)
Possessing, full of


  • Ends with y = noun 
  • Ends with ist = noun 
  • Ends with ic = adjective 
  • Ends with al = adjective or noun 
  • Ends with ity, ty = noun 
  • Ends with ism = noun 
  • Ends with ize = verb 

Trick to learn words:

  •  In order of time = chonos (time) + logos (study) + al (pertaining to) = chronological 
  •  Out of place = in (negative prefix) + con (with, together) + ous (Possessing, full of) = incongruous 
  •  Out of time = ana (negative prefix) + chronos (time) + ous (Possessing, full of) or ic (pertaining to) = anachronous or anachronistic 
  •  Something, or state of being, out of place = in (negative prefix) + congrous (suitable) + ity (condition or quality of) = incongruity 
  •  Lack of feeling = a (negative prefix) + pathy (feeling) = apathy 
  •  Study of disease = pathos (disease) + logy (study) = pathology 
  •  Measurer of time = chronos (time) + metron (measurement) = chronometer 
  •  Feeling of dislike = anti (against) + pathos (feeling) = antipathy 
  •  To occur, or cause to occur, at the same time or rate = syn (with, together) + chronos (time) + ize (verb suffix to make) = synchronize 
  •  Evoking sorrow or pity = pathos (feeling) + ic (pertaining to) = pathetic 
  •  Something out of time = ana (negative prefix) + chronos (time) + ism (condition) = anachronism 
  •  State of recurring again and again = chronos (time) + ity (condition or quality of) = chronocity 
  •  Extrasensory perception = tele (distance) + pathy (disease) = telepathy 
  •  One who examines tissue to diagnose disease = pathos (disease) + logos (study) + ist (a person who practices, is expert in) = pathologist 
  •  Identification with the feelings of another = em (in) + pathos (feeling) = empathy 
  •  Happening at the same time or rate = syn (with, together) + chronos (time) + ous (Possessing, full of) = synchronous 
  •  Skilful at thought transference without sensory communication = tele (distance) + pathos (disease) + ic (pertaining to) = telepathic 
  •  Calendar of events in time sequence = chronos (time) + logy (study) = chronology 
  •  Referring to the measurement of time = chronos (time) + metron (measurement) + ic (pertaining to) = chronometric. 
  •  Share another’s feelings so strongly as to experience those feelings oneself = em (in) + pathos (feeling) + ize (verb suffix, to make) = empathize.
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Ramandeep Singh

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