1. Tumble: गिरना
Fall suddenly, collapse, fall, drop
Example: The unwillingness of the rate of investment to pick up after it tumbled down to the low 30s, from the high 30s of the first decade of this century, has been attributed to fiscal restraint, high-interest rates and a loss of appetite for business risk in the debt-burdened corporate sector.
Example: The unwillingness of the rate of investment to pick up after it tumbled down to the low 30s, from the high 30s of the first decade of this century, has been attributed to fiscal restraint, high-interest rates and a loss of appetite for business risk in the debt-burdened corporate sector.
2. Dampener: प्रभाव को कम करना
A thing that has a restraining or subduing effect
Example: A conservative monetary policy continues to act as dampeners.
Example: A conservative monetary policy continues to act as dampeners.
3. Nectar: अमृत/फूलों का मधु
The drink of the gods; a sugary fluid secreted within flowers to encourage pollination by insects and other animals, collected by bees to make into honey; honeydew, ambrosia
Example: They generate poison, failed ventures and bankruptcy, as well as nectar, profitmaking, growth-generating business.
Example: They generate poison, failed ventures and bankruptcy, as well as nectar, profitmaking, growth-generating business.
4. Penchant: प्रवृत्ति
Trend, tendency, propensity, aptitude, diathesis
Example: The Indian penchant for a ‘Regulation Raj’ to deal with corporate failure, and the public vilification of those who bet wrong, can have the opposite effect of discouraging enterprise and, thereby, limiting the number of new ventures.
Example: The Indian penchant for a ‘Regulation Raj’ to deal with corporate failure, and the public vilification of those who bet wrong, can have the opposite effect of discouraging enterprise and, thereby, limiting the number of new ventures.
5. Vilification: तिरस्कार करना
Calumny, criticism, abuse, defamation, derogation
Example: The Indian penchant for a ‘Regulation Raj’ to deal with corporate failure, and the public vilification of those who bet wrong, can have the opposite effect of discouraging enterprise and, thereby, limiting the number of new ventures.
Example: The Indian penchant for a ‘Regulation Raj’ to deal with corporate failure, and the public vilification of those who bet wrong, can have the opposite effect of discouraging enterprise and, thereby, limiting the number of new ventures.
6. Perishable: खराब होने वाला
Liable to rot, easily spoilt, decomposable, biodegradable, decay
Example: An integrated cold chain is believed to be the most obvious solution for reducing post-harvest perishable food loss.
Example: An integrated cold chain is believed to be the most obvious solution for reducing post-harvest perishable food loss.
7. Leapfrog: पार
Surpass or overtake another to move into a leading or dominant position
Example: India could leapfrog the cold chain revolution by adopting solar and other renewable energy technologies.
Example: India could leapfrog the cold chain revolution by adopting solar and other renewable energy technologies.
8. Stringing: धागे में गूँथना
Add items to one another to form a series or coherent whole
Example: This voice comes from a much deeper place than stringing together clever words and phrases to sell products.
Example: This voice comes from a much deeper place than stringing together clever words and phrases to sell products.
9. Silo: अलग
Isolate (one system, process, department) from others
Example: While consumers swap out devices and surf across channels without thinking about it, many businesses are stuck in siloed functions.
Example: While consumers swap out devices and surf across channels without thinking about it, many businesses are stuck in siloed functions.
10. Palate: पसन्द
A person's ability to distinguish between and appreciate different flavours, choice, swallow
Example: Indulgence of the palate once you have crossed the age of 21.
Example: Indulgence of the palate once you have crossed the age of 21.
11. Binge: अधिक
Indulge in an activity, especially eating, to excess
Example: Those who ate chocolate tended to be those who were better educated and, thus, more aware of the benefits of impulse control and of exercise to offset the aftereffects of bingeing on delectable treats.
Example: Those who ate chocolate tended to be those who were better educated and, thus, more aware of the benefits of impulse control and of exercise to offset the aftereffects of bingeing on delectable treats.
12. Delectable: रमणीय
Delightful, enjoyable, delicious, nice, mouth-watering
Example: Those who ate chocolate tended to be those who were better educated and, thus, more aware of the benefits of impulse control and of exercise to offset the aftereffects of bingeing on delectable treats
Example: Those who ate chocolate tended to be those who were better educated and, thus, more aware of the benefits of impulse control and of exercise to offset the aftereffects of bingeing on delectable treats
13. Guzzler: खाऊ
Glutton, eater
Example: Chocolate consumption responsible for the better health of the chocolate guzzlers
Example: Chocolate consumption responsible for the better health of the chocolate guzzlers
14. Proclivity: झुकाव
A tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition towards a particular thing; liking, inclination, tendency, leaning
Example: A proclivity for hard work.
Example: A proclivity for hard work.
15. Alienation: अलगाव की भावना
Isolation, detachment, estrangement, distance, severance
Example: The global coalition against terror must focus on its strategy for the day after: rebuild the liberated region, to prevent alienation of the Sunni populace once again.
Example: The global coalition against terror must focus on its strategy for the day after: rebuild the liberated region, to prevent alienation of the Sunni populace once again.
16. Populace: आबादी
Population, settlement, pop, township, colony, natives
Example: The global coalition against terror must focus on its strategy for the day after: rebuild the liberated region, to prevent alienation of the Sunni populace once again.
Example: The global coalition against terror must focus on its strategy for the day after: rebuild the liberated region, to prevent alienation of the Sunni populace once again.
17. Bereft: पागल
Mad, insane, maniac, raving, demented
Example: A stateless Islamic State, bereft of territory to harbour foreign fighters and resources like oil, is still a potent threat.
Example: A stateless Islamic State, bereft of territory to harbour foreign fighters and resources like oil, is still a potent threat.
18. Incumbent: निर्भर
Dependent, binding, obligatory, imperative, responsibility
Example: At this juncture, it is incumbent on governments to improve intelligence-sharing and call out countries that have environments permissive to terrorists.
Example: At this juncture, it is incumbent on governments to improve intelligence-sharing and call out countries that have environments permissive to terrorists.
19. Permissive: रिआयती
Liberal, broad-minded, open-minded, non-restrictive, free, tolerant
Example: At this juncture, it is incumbent on governments to improve intelligence-sharing and call out countries that have environments permissive to terrorists.
Example: At this juncture, it is incumbent on governments to improve intelligence-sharing and call out countries that have environments permissive to terrorists.
20. Incitement: शह
The action of provoking unlawful behaviour or urging someone to behave unlawfully; instigation, check, checkmate, support, help
Example: IS’ online recruitment and incitement of self-radicalised lone wolves deserve special attention.
Example: IS’ online recruitment and incitement of self-radicalised lone wolves deserve special attention.