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Vocabulary From Economic Times: 12 July 2017

Published on Wednesday, July 12, 2017

1. Stem: उत्पन्न होना 

Germinate, derive, come from, come into being, start up, originate in
Example: Loan waivers have not stemmed protests or farmer suicides.

2. Wretch: अतिदुखी 

In a very unhappy or unfortunate state; miserable, sad, broken-hearted, heart-broken, desolate
Example: While the actual wretch, who borrowed money from the local moneylender to grow a crop that turns out to be worthless, eats his heart out.

3. Remunerative: पारिश्रमिक-संबंधी 

Financially rewarding; lucrative, well-paid, financially worthwhile, moneymaking, gainful, profitable 
Example: Farmers need remunerative prices, not debt waiver, to end rural distress.

4. Perennial: चिरस्थायी 

Everlasting, enduring, endurable, tenable, deathless, perpetual, eternal
Example: But this problem is one-off, whereas farm distress is perennial.

5. Multi-pronged: बहु आयामी 

Having several distinct aspects or elements
Example: The solution is necessarily multipronged but consists, in essence, in creating missing market linkages between the farmer and the end consumer.

6. Lentil: मसूर 

A high-protein pulse which is dried and then soaked and cooked prior to eating
Example: India cannot have rice, wheat and lentil prices out of sync with global prices while being part of the interdependent global economy.

7. Arbitrariness: निरंकुशता/मनमानी करना 

Autocracy, tyranny, rebelliousness, absoluteness, absolution, willfulness
Example: Tariffs can be set to move within a band on both exports and imports, with predictable triggers for shifting from one level to another within the band, eliminating arbitrariness. 

8. Drumming: नगाड़ा बजाना 

Play on a drum
Example: Mobilising farmers to demand procurement at the MSP is a legitimate method of drumming up political support for any political party when desperate farmers dump their produce at prices far below the MSP.

9. Viable: व्यवहार्य 

Practicable, Feasible, workable, workable scheme
Example: The proposed investment was economically viable.

10. Assorted: विभिन्न 

Various, different, varied, diverse, several
Example: If assorted farmers can bring their produce to a common centre where this is done, before its transportation in a refrigerated truck to a nearby town, the farmer would get a good price.

11. Puree: भरता 

A smooth cream of liquidized or crushed fruit or vegetables; mashed potatoes, mash, pap
Example: Setting up plants to create puree out of tomatoes or freeze-dry fruit calls for organisation and release from restrictive APMC laws.

12. Pragmatic: व्यावहारिक 

Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations
Example: The amnesty proved a pragmatic way to improve compliance.

13. Amnesty: आम माफ़ी 

An official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offences; pardon, pardoning, reprieve, liberty, forgiveness
Example: The amnesty proved a pragmatic way to improve compliance.

14. Badger: सताना 

Repeatedly and annoyingly ask (someone) to do something; harass, bother, plague, torment, pester
Example: The question is, should these new taxpayers be badgered for their past absence from the ranks of taxpayers, or welcomed aboard as future good citizens?

15. Expeditions: अभियान 

Campaign, drive, action, sledding
Example: The focus should be on systemic changes to stop generation of black money, not on punitive expeditions into the past.

16. Glaring: स्पष्ट 

Clear, apparent, pronounced, straightforward, articulate
Example: Remove the glaring exemptions in GST, incentivise people to come out of their old mindsets.

17. Impede: बाधा डालना 

Interrupt, hamper, baulk, trammel, prevent, obstruct
Example: The threat of harsh penalty should not impede a possible mass migration to tax compliance.

18. Portend: संकेत 

Be a sign or warning that (something, especially something momentous or calamitous) is likely to happen; presage, augur, foreshadow, foretell, prophesy
Example: Does the current attack portend a new terrorist policy of targeting civilians?

19. Recurrence: पुनरावृत्ति 

Reiteration, reduplication
Example: There has been no recurrence of such an attack since then, till this Monday.

20. Nab: दबोचना 

Catch (someone) doing something wrong
Example: t is imperative that security is beefed up along the route and no effort is spared to nab the assailants.
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