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Vocabulary from Economic Times: 19 July 2017

Published on Wednesday, July 19, 2017

1. Doleful: मातमी 

Expressing sorrow; mournful, distressful, penitential
Example: A doleful, wasteful idea.

2. Draconian: कठोर 

(Of laws or their application) excessively harsh and severe; strict, unbleached, hard, severe, stringent, persevering
Example: All the proposals so far provide only a fraction of the poverty line, yet require draconian fiscal efforts.

3. Denounce: आरोप लगाना 

Publicly declare to be wrong or evil; impute, recriminate, prefer charges, criticize, condemn
Example: But I denounce as immoral a UBI that makes it feasible to avoid working altogether.

4. Lousy: घटिया 

very poor or bad; awful, terrible, appalling, abysmal, inferior, cheesy, poor, cheapish
Example: That will make for a lousy society.

5. Ghetto: बस्ती 

A part of a city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups 
Example: Muslim ghettoes in Europe have unemployed hordes living off welfare, and produce Islamic radicals.

6. Horde: भीड़

 A large group of people; crowd, multitude, mob, horde, throng, concourse
Example: Muslim ghettoes in Europe have unemployed hordes living off welfare, and produce Islamic radicals.

7. Palliative: दर्द हटानेवाली औषधि 

Relieving pain without dealing with the cause of the condition; soothing, sedative, painkiller, paregoric, calmative
Example: The conversion of some subsidies to cash transfers can be a useful palliative, but not a cure for poverty.

8. Spree: गतिविधि 

A spell or sustained period of unrestrained activity of a particular kind; activity, move, movement, pitch
Example: No, the spending spree was announced with no fiscal space at all.

9. Horrendous: खराब 

Extremely unpleasant, horrifying, or terrible
Example: This will create horrendous problems for Assam, which already fears being swamped by Bangladeshis.

10. Swamp: दलदल 

An area of low-lying, uncultivated ground where water collects; bog, marsh, quagmire, mire
Example: This will create horrendous problems for Assam, which already fears being swamped by Bangladeshis.

11. Proponents: समर्थक 

A person who advocates a theory, proposal, or course of action; supporter, proponent, advocate, champion, adherent
Example: Proponents of UBI say it will not lead people to reduce work.

12. Simmer: उबाल 

(Of water or food that is being heated) stay just below boiling point while bubbling gently, ferment, fermentation, ebullition, ebullience
Example: The goulash was simmering slowly in the oven.

13. Berate: धमकाना / गाली देना 

Scold or criticize (someone) angrily; intimidate, outbrave, leg pulling, show one's teeth, admonish
Example: The Chamber of Commerce, the largest lobbying organisation in the US, likes to berate countries that don’t fall in line,

14. Tack: नीति 

A method of dealing with a situation or problem; a course of action or policy; ethics, politics, dogma, management, orientation, approach
Example: the USIBC follows a gentler tack.

15. Primordial: मौलिक 

Fundamental, elemental, basic, primal, rudimentary
Example: The main battle is primordial.

16. Tormentor: सतानेवाला 

A person who inflicts severe mental or physical suffering on someone; persecutor, torturer, mauler
Example: A tormentor of American presidents, Chamber CEO Donohue destroys politicians in his spare time.

17. Proximity: निकटता 

Nearness in space, time, or relationship; closeness, impendence, impendency, juxtaposition
Example: For now, Mukesh Aghi, USIBC’s high profile president known for his proximity to the BJP, is staying below the radar.

18. Clout: ताकत 

Influence or power, especially in politics or business; mastery, dominance, control, sway
Example: Over the years, the USIBC has steadily gained clout.

19. Endearing: प्रीतिकर

 Inspiring affection; lovable, adorable, cute, sweet, dear
Example: Is being ugly endearing, rather than revolting?

20. Strut: संभालना 

Handle, maintain, support, bear, carry
Example: After all, every contestant who strutted his or her hideousness on the contest stage was brought there by an owner, mostly of the doting kind.
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