a. 1000
b. 2000
c. 3000
d. 4000
2. Dr Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University said to be India’s first World Peace University is located in
a. Mumbai
b. Manglore
c. Hyderabad
d. Pune
3. The Uttar Pradesh Government has decided to end the process of holding interview for selection of candidates for the government jobs in all the non-gazetted posts of
a. Group A, C and D categories
b. Group B, C and D categories
c. .Group A, B and D categories.
d. Group C and D categories.
4. In Andhra Pradesh, which day is considered as Day of Helping Hand?
a. Friday
b. Sunday
c. Saturday
d. Wednesday
5. Bagan is an ancient city located in
a. Nepal
b. Bangladesh
c. Myanmar
d. India
6. With which of the following countries has the Government of India signed a MoU for cooperation in the fields of zebu cattle genomics and assisted reproductive technologies?
a. Indonesia
b. Brazil
c. US
d. Canada
7. Pharma Jan Samadhan is a mobile app made for
a. pharmacies in India
b. school students
c. senior citizens
d. athletes
8. Which status has been given to Ujjivan Small Finance Bank by RBI?
a. Commercial Bank
b. Scheduled bank
c. Corporative Bank
d. Public Sector bank
9.Saraswati Samman for 2016 was presented to Konkani writer Mahabaleshwar Sail for
a. Hawthan
b. Tandav
d. Age of Frenzy
10. Who was awarded the Dhyan Chand Award 2017?
a. Samurai Teti
b. Samurai Tali
c. Samurai Tete
d. Samurai Tote
11. Who took charge as the Union Home Secretary after incumbent Rajiv Mehrishi?
a. Rajiv Gauba
b. Rajiv Mehta
c. Rajiv Vohra
d. Rajiv Purohit
1. a. 1000
2. d. Pune
3. b. Group B, C and D categories
4. a. Friday
5. c. Myanmar
6. b. Brazil
7. d. athletes
8. b. Scheduled bank
9. a. Hawthan
10. c. Samurai Tete
11. a. Rajiv Gauba